UPDATE 2021: While all the below is still correct and works, nowadays, in GAIA we have a telnet client installed by default. Yesterday I saw a strange problem - connection from outside to Exchange in a LAN times out, while in Tracker all connections to port 25 are in green. Strange …
HISTORICAL NOTE Aladdin was an Israeli company known for its security eTokens and mail filtering appliances - eSafe. In 2009 it was bought by Safenet primarily for the token/DRM line, and soon the eSafe appliance was discontinued. Later the Safenet was in turn acquired by Gemalto. You can read about …
These are few Linux find patterns I find useful in a daily work. The ones below were of great help when I had to clean Esafe that had more than 100,000 files in the spool ! So usual shell wild-card expansion didn't work (try to do ls in a folder …