Fortigate to Fortimanager management tunnel connection debug how-to

When the policy install fails on Fortimanager, it may mean many things as the process is quite complex with database/policy verification. But frequently, it happens because the communication tunnel between Fortimanager and Fortigate is down. The tunnel works on port 541, is encrypted (so we cannot see the contents …

Fortiweb Cookbook: Most Basic Setup - One website, add HTTPS support, Round Robin load balancing between two physical servers, all protections on Alert only, Host header filtration

Task: Taking the basic setup a step further, let's enable HTTPS protocol between clients and Fortiweb for the Solution. Step 1. Create certificate signing request (CSR) to use in issuing the SSL certificate. I will use Ubuntu server. It does not have to be a server actually hosting …

Fortiweb Cookbook: Basic setup - adding web site access authentication with local and remote (LDAP) users

Task: Continuing the Basic setup, we want to protect access to some pages, namely the root document "/" and "/treasure" with username and password. For this we want 2 kinds of users: local created on the Fortiweb, and remote residing in the Active Directory of the company. Even though it is …

Fortigate Local in Policy what it does and how to change/configure it

Fortigate comes with some services allowed in incoming direction, even without any configuration done by you. Important to note is that in such pre-configured security rules the destination is mostly the Fortigate itself, sometimes its specific interfaces, sometimes all of the interfaces. That is, this does not allow access though …

Fortiweb Cookbook: Most Basic Setup - One website, HTTP only, Round Robin load balancing between two physical servers, all protections on Alert only, Host header filtration

Task: publish website, hosted on 2 physical servers: server1 ( and server2 ( The site should be available on HTTP only, no HTTPS. Apply preconfigured protection Inline Alert Only. The website's IP address visible to clients is Solution …

Fortigate virtual IP server load balancing configuration and debug

The general workflow is: Facts to know: Available server types: http, https, imaps, pop3s, smtps, ssl, tcp, udp, ip Server types ssl, https and all the SSL based ones are available in Proxy inspection mode of the Fortigate only. Only starting with FortiOS 6.2.1 https load balancing supports …

Fortigate DoS/DDoS sensor/policy rules configuration and verification

Facts to know: You use Dos protection by creating Dos policy (Policy & Objects -> IPv4/Ipv6 DoS Policy) in which you enable/modify anomalies. The list of anomalies is pre-set in any policy you create. You only have the choice which ones to enable and which ones not to. All anomalies …

AWS cli cookbook

Get a list of all the buckets under user account Recursively list contents of a given bucket Recursively list contents of a given bucket printing sizes in a friendly format List contents of a bucket, add summary for number of objects and their total size Get access-list associated …

RAD ETX 203, 205, 220 debug and information commands

Table of Contents Cheat sheet of debug commands Examples show configure port summary show config port eth 4/2 status show config port eth 4/1 statistics Measuring the traffic rate passing the interface Run ping between 2 ETXes show config system system-date show configure flows summary brief show configure …

Curl examples cookbook

Last updated: 19 December 2020 Get coronavirus/Covid-19 statistics for your country, real-time or historical Force curl not to show the progress bar Download a web page via GET request setting Chrome version 74 as the User-Agent. Download a web page via GET request setting Googlebot version 2.1 as …