Articles tagged with #FortiAnalyzer

Send logs from non-Fortinet devices to Fortianalyzer via Syslog

Can we send logs from non-Fortinet devices to the Fortianalyzer? This question pops up from time to time and the short answer is yes, for sure - any device that can send its logs in syslog format (read any device of Enterprise level today), can also send the logs to Fortianalyzer …

Fortianalyzer diagnose and debug cheat sheet

Table of Contents General Health Communication debug Logs from devices Licensing Example debug session on Fortianalyzer Show connected to the FAZ devices General state of FAZ (version, serial, HA status, license status) Performance stats (appliance FAZ will have more data) Running processes and CPU load Logging devices with quotas for …

Fortianalyzer Custom Reports from Custom Datasets Visual Guide How-to

In this short visual guide I will show how to create a custom report from your own SQL query in Fortianalyzer. Fortianalyzer comes with plethora of datasets and reports defined - more than 800. My issue with all of them - they are overly complex and are geared more towards C-level management …