'Cisco log: Missing cef table for tableid 65535 during CEF samecable event'

Today I've noticed some strange error on my Cisco 1841 router : %FIB-4-FIBCBLK: Missing cef table for tableid 65535 during CEF samecable event After searching the net, i've found some Cisco bug that describes this. "FIB-4-FIBCBLK errors with dns view Symptoms Message "%FIB-4-FIBCBLK: Missing cef table for tableid 65535 during CEF …

Scheduled Daily Reboot of FortiGate

Recently I had to do late night restart of a Fortigate and was looking for "Reload in..." I found it, but in Fortigate it is a little different. It's called Daily Restart, and if you want to use it once you need to remember to remove this command later. config …

Cisco ASA privilege separation for a local user or read only user on ASA

Today I had the need to create a user in ASA that would have read-only permissions and also could issue only 2 commands: show run and show conn. Here is how to do it. We talk here about user with a local authentication (with TACACS it is much easier). Just …

Print rulebase in Checkpoint firewall

The best place to hide something is to place it before your eyes. Recently I discovered a cool feature of the Checkpoint SmartDashboard - ability to print rules directly from the Dashboard , you just go to File -> Print -> Rule Base.. and that's it. Just amazing , I have been using Dashboards throughout …

Checkpoint – back up centrally for recovery.

Backing up firewall configs for disaster recovery is tedious and mundane task. And if you have enough firewalls doing it manually becomes impractical . To address this case I set up a highly secured server that periodically runs script backing up the clients’ firewalls. I use here poll model – this central …

Checkpoint winscp troubles

Checkpoint firewalls have 3 means of transferring files in/out - ftp (client ) , SCP (server and client) and SFTP (haven't tried it yet) . At some stage of the debug/upgrade process you will have to move files in either direction. The most secure is SCP protocol. On windows platforms picking the …

ARP table overflow in Checkpoint and Linux in general

Not specific to the Checkpoint but rather any Linux-based system issue Problem usually shows itself in randomly distributed inability of stations to pass the firewall, slowness and other network problems follow. In /var/log/message you see the following record: kernel: Neighbour table overflow. That means ARP table has reached …

Increase log size in eSafe

HISTORICAL NOTE Aladdin was an Israeli company known for its security eTokens and mail filtering appliances - eSafe. In 2009 it was bought by Safenet primarily for the token/DRM line, and soon the eSafe appliance was discontinued. Later the Safenet was in turn acquired by Gemalto. You can read about …

Increase the limit and rotate SSH log files in Checkpoint firewall

All modern Operating Sytems today provide extensive logging facilities, and Linux on which Checkpoint products are based is no exception. I talk about the SSHD daemon, not Secure Rules, logs. The SSHD logs, located in /var/log/ are rotated by default every 4 logfiles. I found it very useful to …

fw monitor command reference CheckPoint firewall

Updated: 07 July 2020 This is a quick reference sheet of all usable options for the fw monitor tool .At the end I put a list of fw monitor examples. The previous experience with the tool is assumed, i'll just say that if you are serious about debugging Checkpoint products …