
Do not miss the long awaited addition to the Fortigate 4 MR2 – sFlow data export

Great news – now Fortigate supports exporting data flows statistics to an external server using sFlow protocol (twin of Netflow from the Cisco world). I configured it in about a minute and it just works. To collect the sFlow data I use nfdump/Nfsen , that I found to be the most …

Break free from the GUI dependency – checking Fortigate logs on the cli.

Fortinet are doing a lot to keep us away from the command line. And that’s ok in 95% of the cases. But sooner or later you come to meet the 5% of the bad and the ugly when you have no access to the GUI at all. One late …

Fortigate BGP - configure and debug

Everyone today speaks BGP: Cisco ,Juniper and ScreenOS firewalls, Fortigate does it, even SonicWall have it as planned feature. The opportunity to see how it works on Fortinet Fortigate firewall recently presented itself and here is the sum up of how I configured and debugged Fortigate BGP set up. Task …

Fortigate firewall demo free access. Also FortiManager and FortiAnalyzer

UPDATE 2019: I updated the access details below. Also, if you work for a Fortinet partner you can request access to the demo appliances via Partner's Portal. As someone said best things in life are free. Here are links to the demo Forigate firewall, ForiAnalyzer and FortiManager open to access …

Scheduled Daily Reboot of FortiGate

Recently I had to do late night restart of a Fortigate and was looking for "Reload in..." I found it, but in Fortigate it is a little different. It's called Daily Restart, and if you want to use it once you need to remember to remove this command later. config …

Failed to connect to Fortiguard servers

Note: This post was written for FortiOS version 2.8 and 3.x so some commands have changed, for updated debug steps please read Failed to connect to Fortiguard servers verification and debug updated Today I encountered otherwise easy to diagnose misconfiguration only that Fortinet decided to 'hide' this parameter …

You can't set duplex/speed settings of the Fortigate interfaces?

Sometimes you can't set duplex/speed settings of the Fortigate interfaces. Important note: depends on which interface you are trying to set!. Upon careful examination turns out that you can't set duplex/speed settings of 4-port switch interfaces only, i.e. Internal interface of Fortigate 60, 60M, 100A, 200A, and …

Debug VPN in Fortigate - seeing is believing

Updated: 2022 You can't really debug VPN problems with static show commands, if VPN fails to function you HAVE to see it happening real-time. Below I list few debug commands to do just that for IPSEC site-to-site tunnels in Fortigate. Here: - IP address on the LAN …

Black hole routing to the rescue - Fortigate OS 4 surprise

Many times there is more than one solution to the problem, and the most obvious is not the best one. I reminded myself this when came to my care Fortigate 60 unit that was periodically blocking traffic, you know this not-saying-much system alert "..has reached connection limit" and then no …