
IP Options are evil - drop them , drop them on Cisco Asa/IOS Microsoft ISA

Juniper or Checkpoint wordpress_id: 419 category: Linux tags: Checkpoint, Solaris, Linux, Cisco As you probably noticed IP header has variable length placeholder for the IP Options field. It has been there since the beginning , once a good idea for debug now turned into trouble. RFC 791 states that hosts/routers …

Increase log size in eSafe

HISTORICAL NOTE Aladdin was an Israeli company known for its security eTokens and mail filtering appliances - eSafe. In 2009 it was bought by Safenet primarily for the token/DRM line, and soon the eSafe appliance was discontinued. Later the Safenet was in turn acquired by Gemalto. You can read about …

eSafe Certified Professional

HISTORICAL NOTE Aladdin was an Israeli company known for its security eTokens and mail filtering appliances - eSafe. In 2009 it was bought by Safenet primarily for the token/DRM line, and soon the eSafe appliance was discontinued. Later the Safenet was in turn acquired by Gemalto. You can read about …

Aladdin Esafe defaults and some debug commands

HISTORICAL NOTE Aladdin was an Israeli company known for its security eTokens and mail filtering appliances - eSafe. In 2009 it was bought by Safenet primarily for the token/DRM line, and soon the eSafe appliance was discontinued. Later the Safenet was in turn acquired by Gemalto. You can read about …