Today I had to lower scanned files size on FOrtigate 80C. In the past it was a matter of few clicks in the good old version 3 via management GUI but in version 4 I spent some 20 minutes digging its GUI high and low and then finally opened Command …
People ask me frequently what software I would recommend for Netflow analysis , especially with security implementations in mind. I made my choice a long ago and haven't been complaining so far - Nfsen graphical frontend that has Nfdump as its data processing backend . It provides most flexibility, configurability; its filter syntax …
Great news – now Fortigate supports exporting data flows statistics to an external server using sFlow protocol (twin of Netflow from the Cisco world). I configured it in about a minute and it just works. To collect the sFlow data I use nfdump/Nfsen , that I found to be the most …
Fortinet are doing a lot to keep us away from the command line. And that’s ok in 95% of the cases. But sooner or later you come to meet the 5% of the bad and the ugly when you have no access to the GUI at all. One late …
While I don't like going down to Layer 2 , recently I had to do it - I didn't know IP address of the Cisco router I wanted to connect to but I had access to the Cisco router sitting in the same network. That would be pretty easy to do #show …
Updated for 2022. Some links to download Microsoft Visio stencils of the most popular vendors. Juniper Cisco Avaya BlueCoat Fortinet Palo Alto Networks Dell Requires registration Checkpoint happen not to have official stencils set, only Nokia appliances stuff can be found. So someone volunteered and using icons/press releases/PowerPoint …
Everyone today speaks BGP: Cisco ,Juniper and ScreenOS firewalls, Fortigate does it, even SonicWall have it as planned feature. The opportunity to see how it works on Fortinet Fortigate firewall recently presented itself and here is the sum up of how I configured and debugged Fortigate BGP set up. Task …
Once upon a time reading some CCIE paper at work I asked myself a question : “Why would someone bother to invent ttl-security and even write RFC 5082 The Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (GTSM) about it when multi-hop EBGP feature provides the same end result ?” . First some background. For some reasons …
UPDATE 2019: I updated the access details below. Also, if you work for a Fortinet partner you can request access to the demo appliances via Partner's Portal. As someone said best things in life are free. Here are links to the demo Forigate firewall, ForiAnalyzer and FortiManager open to access …
Recently I had to do late night restart of a Fortigate and was looking for "Reload in..." I found it, but in Fortigate it is a little different. It's called Daily Restart, and if you want to use it once you need to remember to remove this command later. config …