
Administrator users of Fortianalyzer, Fortimanager, and Fortigate authenticated via RADIUS

Table of Contents Intro Decide whether to use Wildcard user on FAZ/FMG/FGT or only specific users. RADIUS Configuration - Windows NPS Install Network Policy Role (NPS) Open NPS management console Integrate NPS with local Active Directory Create in NPS console RADIUS clients signifying each network device (FGT, FAZ, FMG …

Delete default admin account from Fortianalyzer Fortigate Fortimanager

I already wrote how to delete the default admin account from the Fortigate, and today I will show you how to do the same in Fortianalyzer, Fortimanager, and Fortigate. Video: Your browser does not support the video tag. I also write cheat sheets …

Fortigate HA cluster FortiOS upgrade in pictures

I already wrote tips for upgrading your Fortigate HA cluster , but didn’t include screenshots of the upgrade to illustrate what actually happens. Today I fix that - below are screenshots of the cluster upgrade I did, with description. It will be helpful to …

Tips for Network Engineers to make life easier

Not technical, but (hopefully) helpful list of tips learned the hard way by myself or from others before me. Color code your Terminal/CLI sessions. All terminals have this feature, I use SecureCRT and change background of the saved sessions according to the importance - backbone black, production - gray, lab - light …

Fortinet products code names used by community

Every technical field has its own jargon/abbreviations and it is true for the Fortinet world as well. The picture below lists major products with their code names as used by the community. I also write cheat sheets/scripts/guides to help in daily work, so make sure to check …

Fortigate - revert configuration as a safety measure, analog to Cisco reload in, or Juniper commit confirmed

Table of Contents Introduction Step by step instructions for CLI Instructions for GUI Introduction I want to talk today about the safety switch the Fortigate has for us when changing its configuration and something goes wrong. Most reputable vendors have such rollback-if-sh*t-happens - Juniper has commit confirmed , Cisco routers …

Fortigate fnsysctl command options with examples

Table of Contents fnsysctl ifconfig fnsysctl ls fnsysctl cat fnsysctl date fnsysctl df fnsysctl du fnsysctl pwd fnsysctl ps fnsysctl kill fnsysctl killall fnsysctl mv fnsysctl printenv fnsysctl grep Important facts about fnsysctl command: You have to log in with a user having super_admin profile. For VM Fortigate, it has …

Fortigate - set filters on logs exported to Fortianalyzer or Syslog

Table of Contents Some Facts Why Some Facts Free-style filtering is per category, so any filter you configure is for a specific category of logs only, e.g. Events, UTM. You can filter on ANY field in the raw log Value for the filter allows wildcard * which matches anything. Behavior …

Fortigate - switch from NAT to transparent mode error fix

When trying to switch a Fortigate from NAT mode to the Transparent one, we get an error about Fortilink interface being used. The official docs just say to delete Fortilink from all used settings, but not how. This article shows where and how. The error: config sys settings set opmode …

Fortinet-related blogs to read

Blogs and other resources to read on Fortinet products - Fortigate, Fortianalyzers, Fortimanager and such Here are some Fortinet-related technical blogs I read. If you have additional blogs/sites to recommend - send me to add. Matt Sherif’s blog. Matt is a System Engineer at Fortinet …