Fortigate - switch from NAT to transparent mode error fix

When trying to switch a Fortigate from NAT mode to the Transparent one, we get an error about Fortilink interface being used. The official docs just say to delete Fortilink from all used settings, but not how. This article shows where and how.

The error:

config sys settings

set opmode transparent

set manageip

Cannot change to Transparent mode because this vdom contains managed switches and switchctl-vlans.
Please clear managed-switches, disable fortilink and retry.
node_check_object fail! for opmode transparent
Attribute 'opmode' value 'transparent' checking fail -7610
Command fail. Return code -7610

First thing is to look for fortilink in the config:

# show | grep -i fortilink -f
config system interface
    edit "fortilink" <---
        set vdom "root"
        set fortilink enable <---
        set ip
        set allowaccess ping fabric
        set type aggregate
        set lldp-reception enable
        set lldp-transmission enable
        set snmp-index 9
config system ntp
    set ntpsync enable
    set server-mode enable
    set interface "fortilink" <---
config system dhcp server
    edit 1
        set ntp-service local
        set default-gateway
        set netmask
        set interface "fortilink" <---
        set vci-match enable
        set vci-string "FortiSwitch" "FortiExtender"
config switch-controller storm-control-policy
    edit "auto-config"
        set description "storm control policy for fortilink-isl-icl port" <---
        set storm-control-mode disabled

All in all 4 places: NTP, switch-controller policy, interface itself under config sys interface, and DHCP server.

The cmdb command shows 3 references (misses switch-controller policy):

# diagnose sys cmdb refcnt show fortilink
entry used by table system.dhcp.server:id '1'
entry used by child table interface:interface-name 'fortilink' of complex system.ntp:interface.interface-name

Let’s see if deleting 3 of the above will be enough:

Deleting DHCP server instance "1":

# config sys dhcp server
(server) # del 1
(server) # end

Disabling NTP server which lists fortilink interface (or you can switch interface to any other available):

# config sys ntp

FortiGate(ntp) # show
config system ntp
    set ntpsync enable
    set server-mode enable
    set interface "fortilink"

(ntp) # set server-mode disable
(ntp) # end

Disable Fortilink interface to see if enough:

# config sys int
(interface) # edit fortilink
(fortilink) # set stat down
(fortilink) # end

Checking again if there any references left:

FortiGate # diagnose sys cmdb refcnt show fortilink
FortiGate #

Output is empty so we are clear to engage:

Cannot change to Transparent mode because this vdom contains managed switches and switchctl-vlans.
Please clear managed-switches, disable fortilink and retry.
node_check_object fail! for opmode transparent
Attribute 'opmode' value 'transparent' checking fail -7610
Command fail. Return code -7610

Nope, no joy, so seems like we have to delete the Fortilink interface altogether (at least in VM Fortigate):

# config sys int
(interface) # del fortilink
(interface) # end

# config sys settings
(settings) # set opmode transparent
(settings) # set manageip
(settings) # end

Changing to TP mode


BTW, to switch back to NAT mode you will HAVE to specify device and interface ip for the default gateway (or just do exe factoryreset to wipe all config and it will reboot to NAT mode):

config sys settings
set opmode nat
set device port1
set ip

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