
Yuri Slobodyanyuk's blog on IT Security and Networking sharing experience and expertise

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All you need to know about networking in Checkpoint firewall SecurePlatform FAQ

Q. How do I see available interfaces, errors on them , IP addresses .
Q. How do I see routing table of the firewall.
Q. How do I see duplex, speed, physical link status of the interface .
Q. How do I manually set duplex, speed, autonegotiation settings of an interface.
Q. How do I save changes to the interface duplex ,speed or autonegotiaiton permanently.
Q. How do I add, delete, change routes.
Q. How do I delete, change IP address on the interface.
Q. How do I add, change, delete VLAN .
Q. How do I see existing VLANs .
Q. Can I combine few interfaces into one logical interface .
Q. How do I shut and unshut an interface.

A. # ifconfig

A. # route -en

Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface U 0 0 0 External U 0 0 0 Lan1

Gateway – via which gateway this network is available, means this network is configured locally on the interface
Iface – name of the interface via which this network is reachable

A. # ethtool <name of the interface you want to check, names are case-sensitive>
e.g. # ethtool External
Settings for External:
Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 100Mb/s
Duplex: Full
Port: MII
Transceiver: internal
Auto-negotiation: on
Supports Wake-on: g
Wake-on: g
Current message level: 0x00000007 (7)
Link detected: yes

A. # ethtool -s <name of interface> speed 100
ethtool -s <name of interface> duplex full
ethtool -s <name of interface> autoneg off
IMPORTANT: the changes above will be active until reboot of the firewall, to set them
permanently see below.

A. # eth_set <interface> [10h|10f|100h|100f|1000h|1000f|autoneg]
e.g # eth_set Lan1 100f

A. Using #sysconfig utility and its interactive menu (option 6) .

A. # sysconfig then option 5 .

A. # sysconfig , then option 5 .

A Either via #sysconfig , then option 5 or ifconfig, VLAN interfaces will have format of <physical interface name>.<vlan number> .
e.g. # ifconfig
eth7.301 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1B:4A:CF:26:71

A. Yes , such interface is called Bond. Note that out of all interfaces added to the Bond interface, only one will be active and passing the traffic, the rest will be in standby mode in case active interface fails.
NOTE 2 In new versions it is possible to have bond in Load Sharing mode.

A. #ifconfig <interface name > down
# ifconfig <interface name > up

Enable 2 factor authentication to protect your Gmail account if you have not done so already

Today i did an improvised poll at work who is using the 2 factor authentication with their Gmail mail account and got only one positive answer – me 🙂 . The question was in turn inspired by the article in Atlantic Monthly where James Fallows depicts in detail his wife’s Gmail account being hacked and how much trouble it was to get it back. I can only add that not using absolutely free and easy feature to safeguard your precious asset, mail account – is pretty reckless in our time . Just imagine what it would be to have ALL your Gmail inbox emptied and have your access to the account lost due to a hack …
I’ve always known that the best way to solve the problems is to prevent them from occurring at all, so go ahead and use this Gmail feature and have less problems in life to solve .
My personal experience of few months is that it works with any mobile provider in Israel and it is pretty much ‘ set and forget ‘ type of configuration, just be able to receive once a month SMS , it can’t be any easier I guess.
Advanced sign-in security for your Google account

Watch your DNS records day and night with Nagios

Domain records are most visible vulnerable and many time crucial asset of the company.
Attackers need not break your firewall protection, find and develop exploits for software running on your server to cut off your company from mails – it is enough for them to cause a change of MX record and it’s done – no incoming mails.
I’ve seen real life example of this happening with huge company when due to human error made to MX record that went unnoticed the company didn’t get mails.
While there are companies making millions on protecting domains (do whois on Google.com,Facebook.com to see example) you can at least spot potential problems automatically in no time with Nagios.
The plugin to watch for DNS record is called check_dns and works this way – you configure which hostname to query and what the IP address for it should be , if the IP return doesn’t much the one configured the Critical condition occurs and alert is fired.
This is the simplest of possible checks – to check hostname to IP mapping, more advanced checks are possible with check_dig plugin.
Example – if IP of the hostname mx20.013net.net that handles mail for my provider changes from, the alert will be sent:
check_dns -H mx20.013net.net -a -s

Limit maximum size of scanned files in Fortigate firmware 4

New operating systems are supposed to better user experience .. I thought. Well, so I thought, until today, when I had a need to lower the maximum size of files to be scanned by Fortigate 80C . It was a matter of few clicks in the good old version 3 via management GUI but in version 4 I spent some 20 minutes digging its GUI high and low and then finally opened Command Reference and found how to do it the CLI way.
Here is the solution :

FTG80C# config antivirus service http
FTG80C(http)# sho

config antivirus service “http”
set scan-bzip2 disable
set uncompnestlimit 12
set uncompsizelimit 10

FTG80C(http) # set uncompsizelimit 2
FTG80C(http) # end

FTG80C# config antivirus service ftp
FTG80C(ftp) # set

scan-bzip2 enable scanning of bzip2 compressed files
uncompnestlimit uncompnestlimit
uncompsizelimit uncompsizelimit

FTG80C(ftp) # set uncompsizelimit

max uncompressed size to scan (1-50MB or use 0 for unlimited)

FTG80C(ftp) # set uncompsizelimit 2
FTG80C(ftp) # end

Meet the Cisco IPS sensor 4200 series, episode 2 – User management

To continue the series I did this video of configuring users to manage IPS sensor – adding/deleting/resetting password/unlocking them. All the configs are being done on CLI.

Meet the Cisco IPS sensor 4200 series, episode 1 – Initial configuration

Some great products get unfair treatment for unclear reasons. One such gear is Cisco IPS sensor 4200 appliance, that while doing its job doesn’t get much attention, fame and even worse proper relation on Cisco.com documentation site. The documentation exists but scarce , examples of configuration – close to none, screenshots – go find. You got the picture – and here comes my humble effort to introduce the sensor to wider audience of this website.
First is the initial configuration using the console. The software used is 6.1 , sensor hardware is IPS 4235 . I am doing the config NOT running built-in #setup dialog.
Enjoy and have a nice day.

Archive IOS running configuration automatically for possible rollback

Here is a feature that will save you time and frustration in many possible scenarios – especially when managing Cisco routers in multi-user environment. Once enabled archiving saves periodically copy of the running configuration of IOS router to the flash or remote server. So
next time something stops working after changes and you don’t know which one caused this – just revert back to the working configuration that is readily available.

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