Fortigate Web Filtering - All You Need to Know
Important facts to know
Main parts of the Web Filtering in Fortigate:
SSL Profile - either Certificate-only or Deep SSL Inspection, tells Fortigate whether to decrypt completely SSL communication or look just at domain names in the SSL Certificates. The no-inspection profile disables SSL inspection altogether, meaning any HTTPS websites will not be scanned.
FortiGuard Web Filtering service - enables us to filter web sites/URLs by Category, instead of static URLs. You need Web Filter license for that.
Static URL Filter - checks URL of the web site a user tries to enter, can be used together with Fortiguard Web Filtering.
Web Content Filtering - looks inside the Contents of a web page to find predefined by us "banned" words and makes decision based on their existence and their count on the page.
Order of processing:
Static URL Filter
Fortiguard Category Filter (Local/custom Categories → Remote/external feed Category → FortiGuard Category)
Web Content Filter
Advanced options filter - proxy mode only (ActiveX, Java Applets etc.)
AntiVirus Scanning
Work Flow - Fine tune SSL Profile if built-ins are not enough, create webfilter profile in Security Profiles, fine tune it, apply to Security rule, together with SSL profile and enable UTM in such rule.
Web Filter-related databases on Fortigate are not updated by default, only after you create 1st Web Filter Profile and use it in the security rule, will Fortigate update dbs. |
The yet-to-be-configured Web Filter Profile will look like:

Static URL Filter
With this filter we create entries in the filter list, each matching a URL/domain together with the desired action. The list is processed in top to down order, 1st match stops further processing.
The actions:
Block - block connection, no other processing (by AV/IPS signatures/etc.) is done. User sees custom or default block page that access was blocked by the policy.
Allow - allow connection from URL Filtering point of view, the connection will still be checked by other security profiles/features if available - IPS/AppControl/AV, etc. This includes FortiGuard/Category based filtering - if Static URL is set to Allow this URL, but in Category it is in the blocked category - the connection will be blocked.
Exempt - allow connection AND stop any further security checks like AV/AppControl/IPS. This will exempt the connection even from Category based URL filtering. We can decide what exact further checks to exempt, see below.
Monitor - monitor (and log if logs are enabled in the security rule) but do NOT block the connection.
In Static URL filter, we match domain/URL by either Simple, Wildcard, or Regex expressions.
Simple is what it says - matches exactly what you put in it. It is the least flexible but also least resource-intensive for the Fortigate. Also, its matching depends on the inspection mode - Proxy or Flow. In proxy the match is exact - e.g. if we set as Simple "" , it will match just, but not anything else, like any subdomain -, will NOT be matched. In the Flow mode, it may also do partial matching, including sub-domains.
We may indicate the protocol as well - HTTP or HTTPS, but Fortigate will remove it anyway.
The whole URLs can be matched as well - if I want to block only say a specific page but allow anything else in, this will work too:

CLI configuration: create static URL list, then reference it by its table number in the webfilter profile:
config webfilter urlfilter edit 1 <-- TABLE ID TO BE REFERENCED IN PROFILE set name "Auto-webfilter-urlfilter_12gn7p0os" config entries edit 2 set url "" set action block next edit 3 set url " fortigate-bgp-cookbook-of-example-configuration-and-debug/" set action block next end next end
config webfilter profile edit "WebProfile" set feature-set proxy config web set urlfilter-table 1 (1) end
Number 1 is a reference to the URL filter table entry, this way (and only in CLI) we can reference the same URLs table in different web filtering profiles, so not to re-create the same table of URLs for each new profile.
Wildcard match - does what the names says, we can replace any part of the domain/URL with * . When using it in the form of *, this will match all subdomains of the as well as the root domain itself. Some examples: *
, forti*.com
Regex matching - Fortinet uses PCRE standard regex syntax. Few notes:
You do not have to escape dot "." used to separate domain name parts, e.g. is OK, but "proper" www\.example\.com would work too.
By default, the regex is NOT case-sensitive, but if for some strange reason you need it to be - add after the regex "i" option, e.g. /EXAMPLE.COM/i and it will only match EXAMPLE.COM, not
We can use "^" to anchor the regex to the beginning of an domain/URL string.
When entering regex on CLI, escape any special symbol twice, see below
E.g. of urlfilter
in GUI and on CLI:

config webfilter urlfilter edit 1 set name "Auto-webfilter-urlfilter_12gn7p0os" config entries edit 9 set url "" next edit 2 set url "*" set type wildcard set action block next edit 3 set url "" set action block next edit 4 set url "" set exempt fortiguard next edit 5 set url "*" set type wildcard set action block next edit 6 set url "" set type regex set action block next edit 7 set url "sky\\.com" set type regex set action block next end end
Exempt - this action allows the stated URL and skips any or specific further processing. The option to specify what further checks to skip is available on CLI only. E.g. here I exempt "" only from FortiGuard checks, but not from AV or other checks if they are set via Security Profiles in the security rule. As I have the category "Sports" inside Fortigaurd Category filtering set to action Authenticate, this exempt will disable Authentication when entering "" (and any URL path), but will leave Authentication enabled for any other website in the Sports category, including say
CLI config:
config webfilter urlfilter edit 1 set name "Auto-webfilter-urlfilter_12gn7p0os" config entries edit 4 set url "" set exempt fortiguard next end next end
Besides fortiguard
we can exempt any of the below:
(0) # set exempt av AntiVirus scanning. web-content Web filter content matching. activex-java-cookie ActiveX, Java, and cookie filtering. dlp DLP scanning. fortiguard FortiGuard web filtering. range-block Range block feature. pass Pass single connection from all. antiphish AntiPhish credential checking. all Exempt from all security profiles. <-- DEFAULT IN GUI
The result of the above configuration will look in GUI as:

In logs this Exempt will appear as "Passthrough":

FortiGuard Category based Web filtering
For this filtering, the Fortigate on each web site request by users (responses are cached) queries the FortiGuard Distribution Network (FDN). The FDN collects billions of web sites categorizing them, by both domain names and IP addresses.
Valid Web Filtering license, see in Dashboard or dia debug rating
Being able to connect to FortiGuard servers, again start with dia debug rating to verify.
As an option, Fortimanager that does have access to Fortiguard can be configured as FDS to be used by Fortigates.
You have to use SSL inspection Profile in security rule. When using Certitificate-only profile, the Fortigate will only be able to check domain name of the website, not page contents, nor the full path in URL (part after the 1st slash in URL). For maximum efficiency, the Deep SSL Inspection SSL profile should be used (but beware of browser error on MiTM - have to 1st install the Fortigate CA certificate on all end stations).
Watch out for SSL Exemption list inside the SSL Inspection Profile - categories/domains/IP addresses listed there will NOT be inspected if they use SSL (most of the websites) and thus features like Usage Quota/Warning/etc. will work but in a bit different way. See Usage Quota.
To see category of a domain, you either check Fortiguard site or can go to Security Profiles → Web Rating Overrides → Select Create New → URL put the domain in question and click "Lookup Rating" |
To list all categories on CLI: get webfilter categories.
Configuring it is simple - just enable it in Web Filter Profile as Category Based Filter, choose Categories and their Action and use this Web Filter in security rule(s) with UTM enabled.
Block - conneciton to the web site is blocked, no further security processing is done, the verdict is final.
Allow - allow connection from Web Filtering point of view, the connection will still be checked by other security profiles/features if available - IPS/AppControl, etc and thus may be blocked later.
Monitor - monitor (and log if logs are enabled in the security rule) but do NOT block the connection. Mostly useful to get detailed info on web sites users are visiting.
Authenticate - access will be granted after the end user successfully authenticates to Fortigate.
Warning - users will see a web page warning them that they are entering restricted domains, and if the user clicks on "Proceed" she will be redirected to the original web site.
Categories order of precedence: Local Category > Remote Category > Fortiguard Category.
To change the contents of Replacement Page, go to System → Replacement messages → click on Extended view → click on the needed template → Edit. We can change the message for actions that intercept user’s connection: Block, Warning, Authenticate.

Category cache verification
All mappings of domains to the Category from FortiGuard Fortigate keeps in its cache, so if we want to verify what category actually a given visited domain got, we run diag webfilter fortiguard cache dump:
diag webfilter fortiguard cache dump # diag webfilter fortiguard cache dump Caution: This command is for diagnostic purposes ONLY. The bigger the cache size is set, the more impact on performance the command has. Do you want to continue? (y/n) Saving to file [/tmp/urcCache.txt] Cache Contents: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Cache Mode: TTL Cache DB Ver: 234.25972 Rating DB Ver DOT SLASH ORIG_FLAG T URL 00000000|00000000 234.25972 2 0 00000001 P Dhttps:// 2e000000|2e000000 234.25970 1 0 00000102 E D 00000000|00000000 234.25970 1 0 00000001 P Dhttps:// 34000000|34000000 234.25970 1 0 00000001 P D 34000000|34000000 234.25970 1 0 00000001 P Dhttps:// 34000000|34000000 234.25970 1 0 00000001 P D
The 1st number is the category in hex. After we translate it to decimal, we can compare with the built-in categories of the Fortigate get webfilter categories | grep n:
E.g. for the hex is 2e = 46:
get webfilter categories | grep 46 46 Sports
As we can see, most of the IP addresses do not get their rating at all, except the well-known Google DNS, that is because I have option "Rate URLs by domain and IP Address" disabled.
Action - Authenticate
Here we are not blocking or allowing access to a Category immediately, but require additional authentication from the user to proceed and view the web site. Users can be local or remote (e.g. RADIUS/LDAP, but no FSSO/SAML meantime). Once we have user/group, we can set them in the Web Filter → Category → Authenticate. Each time user tries to access such category, she will be asked to enter user/pass, and will be allowed access for the Warning period of time (default = 5 minutes), after which the access again is blocked until the user again authenticates.
FortiOS up to 7.4.4 require proxy-mode policy for this feature to work. |
GUI Config:
Enable Category filtering, find the needed Category (here Sport), and click on Action = Authenticate.

On trying to enter the website belonging to the restricted Category, the user will see:

And after clicking on "Proceed":

And after entering the user/pass combo correctly, the user will be redirected to the original website, here
In logs the above will be seen as:

# exe log filter category 3 # exe log display 899 logs found. 10 logs returned. 1: date=2025-03-05 time=15:56:37 eventtime=1741182997112761866 tz="+0200" logid="0316013057" type="utm" subtype="webfilter" eventtype="ftgd_blk" level="warning" vd="VMVDOM" policyid=9 poluuid="6d0debbe-1755-51ef-ca7d-d938a76591a0" policytype="policy" sessionid=1999198506 user="yurisk1" authserver="FortiAuth" srcip= srcport=54983 srccountry="Reserved" srcintf="Peer1P1" srcintfrole="undefined" srcuuid="55594f04-1755-51ef-321a-01bd763d3f03" dstip= dstport=443 dstcountry="United States" dstintf="VDOM-EXT" dstintfrole="undefined" dstuuid="99376ffe-9e90-51ea-7ca2-915d04cabdb7" proto=6 httpmethod="GET" service="HTTPS" hostname="" agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537. 36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" profile="WebProfile" action="blocked" reqtype="referral" url="" direction="outgoing" msg="URL belongs to a category with warnings enabled" ratemethod="domain" cat=46 catdesc="Sports"
CLI configuration
Create a local user:
config user local edit "yurisk4" set type password set passwd-time 2025-03-05 11:46:59 set passwd ENC +UY9yWP== next end
Create a Firewall user group and add the user to it:
config user group edit "webauthgrp" set member "yurisk4" next end
And finally, configure the Web Filter profile:
config webfilter profile edit "WebProfile" set feature-set proxy config web <-- CONTENT KEYWORD BLOCKING, UNRELATED set bword-threshold 20 set bword-table 1 end config ftgd-wf unset options config filters edit 46 <-- 46 IF SPORTS CATEGORY set category 46 set action authenticate set warn-duration 2h2m <-- INCREASE WARN TIME TO 2H set auth-usr-grp "webauthgrp" next end end next end
Allow User Override
If enabled, this feature allows end user, after trying to reach site that is blocked per category in the current Web Filter profile, to enter his user/pass and have Web Filter profile replaced with another profile configured beforehand. This way we can allow users in a particular user group to switch to more allowing Web Filter profile.
E.g. I create a new Web Filter profile that allows more categories than the main Web Filter, including Social Networks and News & Media named "OverrideAllowAll" (not shown here).
Then I create the main Web Filter called "WebProfile", which lists that "OverrideAllowAll" profile as a replacement after the user successfully authenticates, and in which ("WebProfile") I block Social Networks and News & Media:

In the section below, I set the user group to authenticate against (can be local and can be remote - LDAP/RADIUS) and replacement Web Filter profile for such authenticated users:

Also, note that I set override duration to 5 mins, which means after 5 minutes user will be again blocked from accessing the site with option to authenticate again.
Page with the option to override the Web Filter profile that blocks access as seen by end user:

After clicking "Override":

Pay attention to the port used by Fortigate to authenticate end user, make sure it is open:

The ports used by Fortigate for this and other features are listed here, and can be set to anything you want: config webfilter fortiguard
config webfilter fortiguard (fortiguard) # get cache-mode : ttl cache-prefix-match : enable cache-mem-permille : 1 ovrd-auth-port-http : 8008 ovrd-auth-port-https: 8010 ovrd-auth-port-https-flow: 8015 ovrd-auth-port-warning: 8020 ovrd-auth-https : enable warn-auth-https : enable close-ports : disable request-packet-size-limit: 0 embed-image : enable
Create user group:
config user group edit "webauthgrp" set member "yurisk4" "localvpn1" next end
As categories are all appear as numbers, it is easier to configure in GUI, but for completeness sake, here is the complete Web Filter profile:
config webfilter profile edit "WebProfile" set feature-set proxy set ovrd-perm bannedword-override urlfilter-override fortiguard-wf-override contenttype-check-override config override set ovrd-scope ip set ovrd-dur 5m set ovrd-user-group "webauthgrp" set profile "OverrideAllowAll" end config ftgd-wf unset options set ovrd 83 96 98 99 26 61 86 88 90 23 30 36 37 config filters edit 1 set category 2 set action warning next edit 2 set category 7 set action warning next ... CUT ... edit 19 set category 61 set action block next edit 20 set category 86 set action block next edit 21 set category 88 set action block next edit 22 set category 90 set action block next edit 23 set category 23 set action block next edit 24 set category 96 set action block next edit 25 set category 98 set action block next edit 26 set category 99 set action block next edit 27 set category 83 set action block next edit 28 set category 4 next edit 29 set category 1 next edit 30 set category 3 next edit 31 set category 31 next edit 32 set category 59 next edit 33 set category 62 next edit 34 set category 6 next edit 46 set category 46 set action authenticate set warn-duration 2h2m set auth-usr-grp "webauthgrp" next edit 37 set category 37 set action block next edit 38 set category 30 set action block next edit 39 set category 36 set action block next end end next end
Pay attention - we can NOT specify which category to override - ALL blocked categories are overriden by new Web Filter profile "OverrideAllowAll" and will be blocked/allowed according to the new profile.
Verification and debug - I didn’t find yet much info on this, except that we can clear all overrides/warning periods and thus force users to authenticate again with dia test app ovrd 6:
dia test application ovrd 333 1. This menu 2. Display stats 5. Clear all user override entries in all vdoms 6. Clear all warning/authentication entries in all vdoms 99. Restart the ovrd daemon.
For debug dia deb app urlfilter 250 will give A LOT of output, beware. And dia deb app urlfilter -1 will given even more .
In logs of Web Filtering, all access will be with the action Block, even after authentication and actually successfully accessing the website:
2: date=2025-03-06 time=10:19:34 eventtime=1741285174244223171 tz="-0800" logid="0316013056" type="utm" subtype="webfilter" eventtype="ftgd_blk" level="warning" vd="root" policyid=21 poluuid="06ac0942" policytype="policy" sessionid=10154 user="localvpn1" group="ipsecgrp" authserver="localvpn1" srcip= srcport=53720 srccountry="Reserved" srcintf="IKEv1" srcintfrole="undefined" srcuuid="c796b842" dstip= dstport=443 dstcountry="Ireland" dstintf="port1" dstintfrole="undefined" dstuuid="76ab0144" proto=6 httpmethod="GET" service="HTTPS" hostname="" agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KH" profile="WebProfile" action="blocked" reqtype="referral" url="" referralurl="" sentbyte=4107 rcvdbyte=643 direction="outgoing" msg="URL belongs to a denied category in policy" ratemethod="domain" cat=36 catdesc="News and Media"
Usage Quota
When a Category has action set to one of Warning, Authenticate, or Monitor, we can limit how much bandwidth or time the end user can consume from such a category. After a user uses up her quota (for this day) she will be blocked from the websites in such category. The usage counters reset automatically each midnight. The quota is calculated per user, and for the whole category - i.e. if a user used up Sport Category by browsing, she will be blocked for any other website which is also in this category.
Quotas will only work in Proxy-mode webfilters/security rules. |

The end user will see such message of using up her quota:

In logs we will see UTM block once the quota is reached (here user blocked after using up 10 Mbytes on - Sports Category):

Note: Also check SSL Exemption list in the applied SSL Inspection Profile - if the website you are trying to enforce Usage Quota is in the list - Quota will work but ONLY for new connections. I.e. if I set 5 minutes quota on Finance Category - all websites here are by default exempted from SSL Inspection, so Fortigate has no control over already established browser session with such website. Once user exhausts her quota to say - she will CONTINUE browsing to the website uninterrupted, BUT if she tries to enter any new website in the Finance Category - she will be blocked on used quota. The will only be blocked if she opens a new browser window to it, or closes and opens browser window completely, then try to enter The funny thing - logs will show "UTM blocked" on quota, but actually user will continue browsing just fine until 1 of the things above happen. So, it is not a bug but a feature.
How do I know if a website is SSL exempted? 2 ways - in the browser check the SSL/TLS certificate of the website - if it is the original certificate of the website - it is exempted, but if it is a Fortigate CA certificate - then it is not (given SSL Deep Inspection is used). The other way is in Fortigate logs - the action for such website will be "passthrough":

Check SSL Exemption list in Security Profiles → SSL/SSH Inspection:

CLI config
config webfilter profile edit "WebProfile" set feature-set proxy config ftgd-wf unset options config filters edit 1 set category 2 set action warning next edit 31 set category 31 next edit 46 set category 46 set action authenticate set warn-duration 2h2m set auth-usr-grp "webauthgrp" next end config quota edit 1 set category 46 <-- SPORTS CATEGORY set type traffic set value 10 <-- 10 MBYTES next edit 2 set category 31 <-- FINANCE CATEGORY next end end next end
Custom/local Categories and Web rating Override
We can override/reassign a specific website to another Fortiguard category or to the Local/Custom category. This way we can change what happens when a user tries to access it.
E.g. I will re-assign from Travel to the Local custom1 category and then will set the Action to Block on it, while leaving action for the Travel category Allow.
Assign the website to the Local custom1 category in Security Profiles → Web Rating Overrides:

Change the Action to Block in the actual Web Filterfor custom1:

Now, even though "Travel" category is allowed, the specific website is being blocked on "custom1" category:

CLI configuration:
config webfilter ftgd-local-rating edit "" set rating 140 <-- CUSTOM1 CATEGORY next end
Set action in Fortiguard-based filter to Block:
config webfilter profile edit "WebProfile" set feature-set proxy config ftgd-wf unset options config filters edit 0 set category 140 set action block next end
Remote Category filter for external threat feed
This option allows us to point Fortigate to external web server that contains as a plain text file list of URLs we want to act upon - Block/Allow/Exempt. As I already said - the priority of categories is Local → External/Remote → Fortiguard.
First, we create a text file with URLs and host it on external web server. The file will look like: *
1st is a complete URL, 2nd is a wildcard (no regex is supported) that will also block
, and 3rd is an exact match.
I host this file as .
Now, we need to create External Connector of type Fortiguard Category:

Do NOT, by mistake, chose Domain Name as this is for DNS FIlter, not Web Filter. |
In which we set URL to access the external feed, optional authentication and refresh rate of data from remote server (default 5 mins):

After a few seconds, the status will change to green - Connected, also we can click on "View" to actually see the URLs read from the remote server and their (URLs) status:

Now, the category "Remote" will appear in all existing and future Web Filter Profiles (by defult in status Disabled) with the external feed we just configured, make sure to change the Action to Block/Monitor/etc.:

If a user tries to enter the website from the externel feed (and I set action to Block) - it will be blocked, even though the Fortiguard category for this website is set to Allow (categories precedence):

The block message the end user will see:

Also, the FGT blocks access to the full path URL but not to the whole website (

Again, it is possible because I have Deep SSL Inspection in Web Profile, otherwise FGT would not be able to see beyong 1st slash after .info in
This Remote feed will also be available in SSL Profile for Exemption if we need to:

Search Engines Safe Search and Vimeo
Not much to configure here - just enable or not the option to redirect end users to the Safe Search page of the listed Search Engines. The "safety" of the search is enforced by the search providers themselves, not by the Fortigate. The config is done under Static URL section (proxy-mode only feature):

config webfilter profile edit "WebProfile" set feature-set proxy config web set bword-threshold 20 set bword-table 1 set safe-search url header <-- SAFE SEARCH CONFIG STARTS HERE set youtube-restrict strict set log-search enable end end
The Vimeo option is available in CLI only:
config web set bword-threshold 20 set bword-table 1 set safe-search url header set youtube-restrict strict set log-search enable end (web) $ get bword-threshold : 20 bword-table : 1 <-- CONTENT BLOCK TABLE urlfilter-table : 0 <-- STATIC URL FILTER TABLE content-header-list : 0 blocklist : disable <-- USE URL LIST RECEIVED FROM FSA TO BLOCK allowlist : safe-search : url header youtube-restrict : strict vimeo-restrict : <-- VIMEO log-search : enable keyword-match :
Fortigate supports 2 categories for VIMEO - 7 and 134.
7 - block mature content
134 - block both unrated and mature content
(web) $ set vimeo-restrict 7
Rate by both IP Address and Domain
Regularly, the FGT asks Fortiguard for categorization/rating of the domain the end user is trying to access only. If we enable this option, FGT will ask Fortiguard for 2 ratings - 1st of the domain (as usual), and the 2nd - of IP Address this domain resolves to. If they differ, FGT will use rating weight of each returned category - the one having higher weight will be used. I haven’t seen many admins using this option.
See also Category cache verification.
Block Invalid URLs
This feature, if enabled, blocks access to websites whose SSL/TLS certificate does not contain a valid domain. Usually this feature is enabled by default.
Content Web Filtering
Here, the Fortigate checks the contents of a web page, looking for pre-defined by us keywords or whole phrases (up to 80 characters long). We can also assign score to each such keyword (the default being 10), as FGT counts appearances of each keyword and sums up their scores before making final decision.
The Security Policy where such web filter is used, has to be in Proxy mode, not Flow. |
Obviously, the Deep SSL Inspection profile has to be used for it to be anything effective.
Web Filter Content, complete - blocks 2 keywords "cisco/Cisco" and "palo*alto" (wildcard)
config webfilter content edit 1 set name "Traitors" config entries edit "palo*alto" <-- KEYWORD TO LOOK FOR, WILDCARD, CASE-SENSITIVE set status enable set score 10 next edit "cisco" set status enable set score 10 next edit "[Cc]isco" (1) set pattern-type regexp set status enable next end next end
Wildcards are case-sensitive so just listing "cisco" would only block pages with exact word "cisco", not "Cisco" nor "CISCO". I added regex as pattern to account for "cisco" and "Cisco".
config entries edit "palo*alto" set status enable next end (palo*alto) $ get name : palo*alto pattern-type : wildcard status : enable lang : western score : 10 action : block
Each separte keyword entry is counted only once on the page. In the example above, there may be 10 words "palo alto" on the same page, but Web Filter will only count 1 word/phrase worth score of 10 points.
The default score for each keyword entry is 10. By "each keyword entry" I mean in the keywords list above - e.g. I have 2 keywords for Cisco, one matches "Cisco", 2nd "cisco" - if on the same page there both "Cisco" and "cisco", it will count as 2 words found, each adding 10 points to score, making it 20 for the page.
The default score for the page to be blocked is 10, and the default score for each individual keyword entry being also 10 means, by default, any single word from the keywords will cause blocking of the page.
We can change both
so that only when multiple keywords appear on the page, the page will be blocked. E.g. if we set ban-word-threshold to 20, then only pages with 2 keywords (each worth 10 points) in them will be blocked. -
When using regex they seem to count as a single appearance any number of matches. E.g. if I remove from the above keywords list the wildcard "cisco" and leave only regex "[Cc]isco" then page with "Cisco" and "cisco" will count just 1 appearance of this keyword, not 2.
To force FGT to look for the whole phrases only, enclose them in double quotes.
E.g. increasing the banned words threshold per page:
config webfilter profile edit "WebProfile" set feature-set proxy config web set bword-threshold 20 set bword-table 1 end next end
Now only the page that has multiple different banned words AND when they add up to 20, will it be blocked.
The block can be seen in Logs → Security Events → Web Filtering:

The end user will see the default block page:

Log on the CLI can be seen with exe log filter category 3, exe log display:
exe log filter category 3 exe log display 25 logs found. 10 logs returned. 1: date=2025-03-05 time=11:18:31 eventtime=1741166311470738081 tz="+0200" logid="0314012288" type="utm" subtype="webfilter" eventtype="content" level="warning" vd="VMVDOM" policyid=9 poluuid="6d0debbe-1755-51ef-ca7d-d938a76591a0" policytype="policy" sessionid=1880758048 user="yurisk1" authserver="FortiAuth" srcip= srcport=54401 srccountry="Reserved" srcintf="Peer1P1" srcintfrole="undefined" srcuuid="55594f04-1755-51ef-321a-01bd763d3f03" dstip= dstport=443 dstcountry="United States" dstintf="VDOM-EXT" dstintfrole="undefined" dstuuid="99376ffe-9e90-51ea-7ca2-915d04cabdb7" proto=6 httpmethod="GET" service="HTTPS" hostname="" agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537. 36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" profile="WebProfile" reqtype="direct" url="" sentbyte=4740 rcvdbyte=6576 direction="incoming" action="blocked" banword="[Cc]isco,cisco" msg="URL was blocked because it contained banned word(s)."
Proxy Options
Features that work, obviously from the name, in Proxy mode only.

CLI config
config web-proxy profile edit "Auto-web-proxy-profile_qp9j5z2tc" config headers edit 1 set name "X-GoogApps-Allowed-Domains" set content "" <--- next end next end
config webfilter profile edit "WebProfile" set feature-set proxy set options activexfilter cookiefilter javafilter <-- BLOCK THESE set post-action block <-- BLOCK "POST" HTTP ACTION next end
Block POST action - will prevent uploading files, authenticating to the web sites.
- strips all cookies sent by website, will make 90% of web sites unusable today. -
- strips all ActiveX applets from a web page, quite redundant today - no reputable site uses ActiveX any more, and all browsers have it disabled anyway. -
- strip all Java applets, the same - no one uses them anymore and browsers have it blocked by default.
Video Filter (not part of Web Filtering)
Allows to filter Youtube content by Fortiguard categories or by Youtube Channel ID you put manually, requires Channel ID or/and Youtube API key.
Debug and Verification
First, let’s check that the Fortigate has the Web Filtering license active (for Fortiguard-based categories) with dia deb rating:
# diagnose debug rating Locale : english Service : Web-filter Status : Enable <-- WILL BE DISABLED IF NO WEB FILTER IS USED IN SECURITY RULES License : Contract Service : Antispam Status : Disable Service : Virus Outbreak Prevention Status : Disable Num. of servers : 1 <-- WITH ANYCAST, WITH UNICAST MANY SERVERS WILL BE LISTED Protocol : https Port : 443 Anycast : Enable Default servers : Included -=- Server List (Thu Mar 13 02:55:21 2025) -=- IP Weight RTT Flags TZ FortiGuard-requests Curr Lost Total Lost Updated Time -11420 89 DI 0 5710 0 0 Thu Mar 13 02:55:20 2025
Also, make sure under config sys fortiguard there is no set webfilter-force-off enable which turns off the FortiGuard web filtering service.
In GUI, System → Fortiguard, the valid license looks like:

Make sure there are no other strange configs under sys fortiguard:
(fortiguard) # get fortiguard-anycast : enable fortiguard-anycast-source: fortinet protocol : https port : 443 <-- WORTH CHANGING IF IT IS BEING BLOCKED to 53, 8888 load-balance-servers: 1 auto-join-forticloud: disable update-server-location: usa sandbox-region : update-ffdb : enable update-uwdb : enable update-dldb : enable update-extdb : enable update-build-proxy : enable vdom : <-- WHICH VDOM IS USED TO CONNECT TO FORTIGUARD auto-firmware-upgrade: enable auto-firmware-upgrade-day: auto-firmware-upgrade-delay: 3 auto-firmware-upgrade-start-hour: 1 auto-firmware-upgrade-end-hour: 4 FDS-license-expiring-days: 15 antispam-force-off : disable antispam-cache : enable antispam-cache-ttl : 1800 antispam-cache-mpermille: 1 antispam-license : Contract antispam-expiration : Fri Jan 1 2038 <-- LIC EXPIRATION DATE antispam-timeout : 7 outbreak-prevention-force-off: disable outbreak-prevention-cache: enable outbreak-prevention-cache-ttl: 300 outbreak-prevention-cache-mpermille: 1 outbreak-prevention-license: Contract outbreak-prevention-expiration: Fri Jan 1 2038 outbreak-prevention-timeout: 7 webfilter-force-off : disable webfilter-cache : enable webfilter-cache-ttl : 3600 webfilter-license : Contract webfilter-expiration: Fri Jan 1 2038 <-- LICENSE EXPIRATION DATE webfilter-timeout : 15 anycast-sdns-server-ip: anycast-sdns-server-port: 853 sdns-options : source-ip : <-- SOURCE IP TO USE source-ip6 : :: proxy-server-ip : proxy-server-port : 0 proxy-username : proxy-password : * ddns-server-ip : ddns-server-ip6 : :: ddns-server-port : 443 interface-select-method: auto <-- SOURCE INT OF THE REQUESTS TO FORTIGUARD, CAN BE: AUTO, SD-WAN, SPECIFY
If you want to disable anycast and switch to unicast when having problems with FortiGuard servers reachablity, see
To see the latest update date and versions of all downloadable databases on Fortigate, run diag autoupdate versions:
# diag autoupdate versions AV Engine --------- Version: 7.00035 signed Contract Expiry Date: Fri Jan 1 2038 Last Updated using manual update on Thu Nov 14 00:39:00 2024 Last Update Attempt: n/a Result: Updates Installed Virus Definitions --------- Version: 1.00000 signed Contract Expiry Date: Fri Jan 1 2038 Last Updated using manual update on Mon Apr 9 19:07:00 2018 Last Update Attempt: n/a Result: Updates Installed --CUT--
To force Fortigate to download updates: execute update-now.
To debug auto updates: diagnose debug application update -1, dia deb enable, and exe update-now. Excerpts of debug output:
# diagnose debug application update -1 # dia deb en # execute update-now upd_daemon[1838]-Received update request from pid=2307 do_update[680]-Starting now UPDATE (final try) __update_upd_comp_by_settings[495]-Disabling NIDSDB/ISDB/MUDB components. __update_upd_comp_by_settings[499]-Disabling APPDB/IOTDB/OTDB components. __update_upd_comp_by_settings[507]-Disabling AVEN components. __update_upd_comp_by_settings[511]-Disabling AVDB/FLDB/MMDB components. upd_fds_load_default_server6[1046]-Resolve and add fds ipv6 address failed. upd_comm_connect_fds[457]-Trying FDS [116] __ssl_cert_ctx_load: Added cert /etc/cert/factory/root_Fortinet_Factory.cer, root ca Fortinet_CA, idx 0 (default) [497] ssl_ctx_use_builtin_store: Loaded Fortinet Trusted Certs upd_cfg_extract_sfas_version[789]-version=07004000SFAS00000-00005.00046-2502130417 pack_obj[186]-Packing obj=Protocol=3.2|Command=Update|Firmware=FGVMA6-FW-7.04-2726| SerialNumber=FGTAWSNXXXXXX|UpdateMethod=0|AcceptDelta=1| DataItem=07004000DBDB00100-00003 upd_status_extract_contract_info[1330]-pending registration(255) support acct() company() industry() <-- THIS FGT IS NOT REGISTERED FOR SUPPORT
Verify that the name resolving on the Fortigate works. For live queries to Fortiguard, Fortigate uses 2 hosts - (without anycast) and (with anycast):
execute ping execute ping execute ping
For Fortiguard Category filtering, make sure the websites are categorized correctly by looking at the cache with diag webfilter fortiguard cache dump, see Category cache verification for example output.
If the cache is not up-to-date, use dia test app urlfilter 2 to clear the cache (no downtime).
To see the whole list of Categories with their respective numbers, run get webfilter categories
FGT-Perimeter # get webfilter categories g01 Potentially Liable: 1 Drug Abuse 3 Hacking 4 Illegal or Unethical 5 Discrimination --CUT--
Logs - Web Filter logs are under Events → Security Events → Web Filter menu or on the CLI it is exe log filter category 3 and exe log display. See example at [logs_cli]
Regular dia deb flow debug is useful as well. E.g. for an internal host
diagnose debug reset diagnose debug flow trace stop diagnose debug flow filter clear diagnose debug flow filter addr diagnose debug flow filter port 443 diagnose debug flow show function-name enable diagnose debug console timestamp enable diagnose debug flow trace start 1000 dia deb enable
Finally, the most verbose Web Filtering debug is dia deb app urlfilter -1, the example output:
2025-03-13 04:47:38 0(2190) Stop quota EP localvpn1, cat 52 2025-03-13 04:47:38 0(2190) action=10(ftgd-block) wf-act=3(BLOCK) user="localvpn1" src= sport=56505 dst= dport=443 service="https" cat=52 url_cat=52 ip_cat=0 hostname="" url="/"
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