Fortianalyzer diagnose and debug cheat sheet

General Health

Command Description

get sys status

Get general information: firmware version, serial number, ADOMs enabled or not, time and time zone, general license status (Valid or not).

get sys performance

Detailed performance statistics: CPU load, memory usage, hard disk/flash disk used space and input/output (iostat) statistics.

exe top

Display real time list of running processes with their CPU load.

diag log device

Shows how much space is used by each device logging to the Fortianalyzer, including quotas.

exe iotop -b -n 1

Display and update every 1 second READ/WRITE statistics for all the processes.

diagnose system print cpuinfo

Display hardware CPU information - vendor, number of CPUs etc.

diagnose hardware info

Even more hardware-related info.

diagnose system print df

Show disk partitions and space used. Analog of the Linux df.

exe lvm info

Shows disks status and size

diagnose system print loadavg

Show average system load, analog to the Linux uptime command.

diagnose system print netstat

Show established connections to the Fortianalyzer, as well as listening ports. Every logging device can (and usually does) have multiple connections established.

diagnose system print route

Show routing table of the Fortianalyzer.

Communication debug

Command Description

diagnose test application oftpd 3

List all devices sending logs to the Fortianalyzer with their IP addresses, serial numbers, uptime meaning connection establishment uptime, not remote device uptime, and packets received (should be growing).

diagnose debug application oftpd 8 <Device name>

diagnose debug enable

Real time debug of communicating with the Device name device.

diagnose sniffer packet any "host IP of remote device"

Sniff packets from/to remote device, to make sure they are sending each other packets. The communication is encrypted.

diagnose sniffer packet any "port 514"

Sniff all packets to/from port 514 used by Fortianalyzer to receive logs from remote devices.

diagnose fmnetwork arp list

Show ARP table of the FAZ

Logs from devices

Command Description

diagnose test application oftpd 50

Show log types received and stored for each device.

diag log device

Shows how much space is used by each device logging to the Fortianalyzer, including quotas.

diagnose fortilogd lograte

Show in one line last 5/30/60 seconds rate of receiving logs.

diagnose fortilogd lograte-adom all

Show as table log receiving rates for all ADOMs aggregated per device type (i.e. rate for all Fortigates will be as one data per ADOM).

diagnose fortilogd lograte-device

Show average logs receive rate per device for the last hour, day, and week.

diagnose fortilogd lograte-total

Show summary log receive rate for all devices on this Fortianalyzer.


Command Description

diagnose dvm device list

Look for the line There are currently N devices/vdoms count for license.

diagnose debug vminfo

Show report on Virtual Machine license: whether valid or not, type, licensed storage volume, licensed log receive rate, licensed maximum device count.

dia license list

List all applied licenses on this FAZ.

get system loglimits

Show system limits in accepting logs

Example debug session on Fortianalyzer

Show connected to the FAZ devices

FAZ-AWS # diagnose test application oftpd 3
now = 1713716940(2024/04/21 19:29:00)
 #  DEVICE            CONN      HOSTNAME       IP             UPTIME    IDLETIME  #PKTS              BUFSZ (curr,avg,advice)
 1  FGTAWSN1JDGCU42E  65535: 0  FGT-Perimeter  3h18m2s   1s        3048               512,0,0  (1)
 2                                     6h56m37s  1m42s     2027 Plain-Syslog  512,0,32768 (2)
  1. Fortigate named "FGT-Perimeter" (IP sending logs via OFTP native protocol

  2. Linux server (IP, sending its logs via Syslog.

General state of FAZ (version, serial, HA status, license status)

FAZ-AWS # dia deb dis

FAZ-AWS #   get sys status
Platform Type                   : FAZVM64-AWSOnDemand
Platform Full Name              : FortiAnalyzer-VM64-AWSOnDemand
Version                         : v7.4.2-build2397 231220 (GA)
Serial Number                   : FAZAWSTA23002441
BIOS version                    : 04000002
Hostname                        : FAZ-AWS
Max Number of Admin Domains     : 5
Admin Domain Configuration      : Enabled
FIPS Mode                       : Disabled
HA Mode                         : Stand Alone
Branch Point                    : 2397
Release Version Information     : GA
Current Time                    : Sun Apr 21 19:39:34 IDT 2024
Daylight Time Saving            : Yes
Time Zone                       : (GMT+2:00) Jerusalem.
x86-64 Applications             : Yes
Disk Usage                      : Free 70.79GB, Total 78.19GB
File System                     : Ext4
License Status                  : Valid

Performance stats (appliance FAZ will have more data)

FAZ-AWS # get sys performance
        Used:                   5.50%
        Used(Excluded NICE):    5.50%
                  %used   %user   %nice  %sys    %idle %iowait  %irq %softirq
        CPU0       5.05    3.24    0.00    1.80   94.95    0.00    0.00     0.00
        CPU1       5.96    4.69    0.00    1.08   94.04    0.00    0.00     0.18
        Total:  10,041,896 KB
        Used:   5,416,028 KB    53.9%
        Total (Excluding Swap): 7,944,748 KB
        Used (Excluding Swap):  5,079,124 KB    63.9%
Hard Disk:
        Total:  81,983,896 KB
        Used:   7,742,552 KB    9.4%
        Inode-Total:    5,242,880
        Inode-Used:     26,347  0.5%
        IOStat:   tps     r_tps    w_tps    r_kB/s    w_kB/s    queue   wait_ms
                   8.9      3.2      5.7     236.9     312.8      0.2    20.6
Flash Disk:
        Total:  1,006,252 KB
        Used:   444,916 KB      44.2%
        Inode-Total:    65,536
        Inode-Used:     43      0.1%
        IOStat:   tps     r_tps    w_tps    r_kB/s    w_kB/s    queue   wait_ms
                   0.1      0.1      0.0      17.5       0.0      0.0     0.8

Running processes and CPU load

top - 19:42:52 up  7:13,  0 user,  load average: 0.24, 0.23, 0.19
Tasks: 234 total,   1 running, 232 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
%Cpu(s):  2.3 us,  1.3 sy,  0.0 ni, 96.2 id,  0.2 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :   7758.5 total,    135.6 free,   7118.2 used,   2722.2 buff/cache
MiB Swap:   2048.0 total,   1707.5 free,    340.5 used.    640.3 avail Mem

 9859 root      20   0  177.6m 127.0m   2.0   1.6   7:41.94 S /bin/python /usr/local/lib/python3.11
 1727 root      20   0  259.9m  46.9m   0.7   0.6   1:08.81 S /bin/logfwd
 7833 postgres  20   0 1436.5m  27.8m   0.7   0.4   0:02.26 S postgres: postgres airflow
 9886 root      20   0  176.5m 124.8m   0.7   1.6   1:52.72 S airflow scheduler -- DagFileProcessor
  245 root      20   0   95.4m  28.1m   0.3   0.4   0:35.78 S /bin/cmdbsvr
  750 redis     20   0   57.6m   9.5m   0.3   0.1   0:51.04 S /bin/redis-server
 1573 root      20   0 1217.3m 874.5m   0.3  11.3   0:03.68 S scheduled
 1579 redis     20   0  131.6m  11.2m   0.3   0.1   0:33.65 S /bin/redis-server
 1580 redis     20   0  131.6m  10.4m   0.3   0.1   0:26.31 S /bin/redis-server
 1757 root      20   0  226.5m  39.7m   0.3   0.5   0:09.40 S /bin/clusterd
 1785 root      20   0  210.6m  57.8m   0.3   0.7   0:11.08 S /bin/sqlrptcached
 1789 root      20   0  283.2m  70.3m   0.3   0.9   0:25.49 S /bin/sqlplugind

Logging devices with quotas for each ADOM

FAZ-AWS # diag log device
Device Name          Device ID            Used Space(logs / quarantine / content / IPS) Allocated Space  Used%
FGT-Perimeter        FGTAWSN1JDGCU42E        4.4MB(   4.4MB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB) unlimited        n/a
SYSLOG-Linux         SYSLOG-0A64680F        76.0KB(  76.0KB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB) unlimited        n/a
Total: 2 log devices, used=4.5MB quota=unlimited

AdomName           AdomOID  Type                                   Logs
                                 [Retention   Quota      Used(  logs/quaranti/ content/     IPS) Used%] [Retention
FGT-only           193      FGT    365days unlimited    4.4MB( 4.4MB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB)   n/a     92days
FortiAnalyzer      133      FAZ    365days   300.0MB    8.0KB( 8.0KB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB)  0.0%     60days
FortiAuthenticator 149      FAC    365days   300.0MB    8.0KB( 8.0KB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB)  0.0%     60days
FortiCache         137      FCH    365days   300.0MB    8.0KB( 8.0KB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB)  0.0%     60days
FortiCarrier       129      FGT    365days   300.0MB    8.0KB( 8.0KB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB)  0.0%     60days
FortiClient        139      FCT    365days   300.0MB    8.0KB( 8.0KB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB/   0.0KB)  0.0%     60days

Total usage: 17 ADOMs, logs=4.6MB(4.6MB/0.0KB/0.0KB/0.0KB) database=181.3MB(ADOMs usage:24.3MB(96.6KB, 0.0KB)

Total Quota Summary:
*** Warning: Total Allocated Quota is bigger than Total Quota! Please check the quota configuration of ADOMs!
    Total Quota      Allocated        Available        Allocate%
    63.2GB           64.6GB           0.0KB            102.3%

System Storage Summary:
    Total            Used             Available        Use%
    78.2GB           7.4GB            70.8GB           9.5 %

Reserved space: 15.0GB (19.2% of total space).

Run Linux df -h command

FAZ-AWS #  diagnose system print df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs                    3.8G      1.8G      1.9G  49% /
none                      3.8G         0      3.8G   0% /dev
none                      6.9G      1.1M      6.9G   0% /dev/shm
none                     64.0M     72.0K     63.9M   0% /tmp
/dev/nvme0n1p1          982.7M    434.5M    548.2M  44% /data
/dev/mdvg/mdlv           78.2G      7.4G     70.8G   9% /var
/dev/mdvg/mdlv           78.2G      7.4G     70.8G   9% /drive0
/dev/mdvg/mdlv           78.2G      7.4G     70.8G   9% /Storage
/dev/loop0                8.6M     19.0K      8.1M   0% /var/dm/tcl-root
none                    512.0M         0    512.0M   0% /drive0/tmp/sql_bat
none                    128.0M         0    128.0M   0% /drive0/private/dbcommit

Show disks and partitions

FAZ-AWS # exe lvm info
LVM Status: OK
LVM Size: 80GB
File System: ext4 78GB

Disk1 :         Used       80GB
Disk2 :  Unavailable        0GB
Disk3 :  Unavailable        0GB

Print average load, only meaningful for comparing

FAZ-AWS # diagnose system print loadavg
0.08 0.19 0.18 1/695 9241

netstat - Open connections and Listening ports

FAZ-AWS # diagnose system print netstat
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
tcp        0      0 :::443                  :::*                    LISTEN
tcp        0      0 :::26443                :::*                    LISTEN
tcp        0      0 ::1:8123                :::*                    LISTEN
tcp        0      0 ::ffff: ::ffff: ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 ::ffff: ::ffff: ESTABLISHED
udp        0      0*
udp        0      0*
udp        0      0            ESTABLISHED
udp        0      0           ESTABLISHED

Print routing table

FAZ-AWS #  diagnose system print route
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         UG    0      0        0 port1         UG    1      0        0 port1   U     0      0        0 port1 UGH   0      0        0 port1

Show ARP table

FAZ-AWS # diagnose fmnetwork arp list
index=3 ifname=port1 0a:a7:6d:5f:3b:b9 state=00000004 use=83824 confirm=82722 update=79766 ref=0
index=3 ifname=port1 0a:a7:6d:5f:3b:b9 state=00000002 use=7599 confirm=0 update=7599 ref=1
index=3 ifname=port1 0a:c2:8d:76:4d:8d state=00000002 use=83774 confirm=365 update=83774 ref=1
index=1 ifname=lo 00:00:00:00:00:00 state=00000040 use=83846 confirm=13 update=83846 ref=0
index=3 ifname=port1 0a:87:35:04:a5:c5 state=00000004 use=4271 confirm=4271 update=1174 ref=0

Real time debug of communication between FAZ and FGT (not much of help at this debug level)

FAZ-AWS # diagnose debug application oftpd 8 FGTAWSN1JDGCU42E
oftpd debug filter:     filter(string)==FGTAWSN1JDGCU42E

[T3993:oftps.c:1933 FGTAWSN1JDGCU42E:] SSL socket[20] pid[1754] ssl[0x5600c4048980]
received [12] bytes:

[T3993:main.c:4174 FGTAWSN1JDGCU42E:] handle KEEPALIVE

[T3996:oftps.c:1999 FGTAWSN1JDGCU42E:] SSL socket[20] pid[1754] ssl[0x5600c4048980]
sent [21] bytes:

[T3996:oftp_restapi_sched.c:1785] FGTAWSN1JDGCU42E

[T3996:oftp_restapi.c:2333 FGTAWSN1JDGCU42E:] ret = 0.

Fortigate: test connectivity to FAZ in real-time

Run on the Fortigate, NOT FAZ:

FGT-Perimeter # exec log fortianalyzer test-connectivity
FortiAnalyzer Host Name: FAZ-AWS
FortiAnalyzer Adom Name: FGT-only
FortiGate Device ID: FGTAWSN1JDGCU42E
Registration: registered
Connection: allow
Adom Disk Space (Used/Allocated): 52377062B/Unlimited
Analytics Usage (Used/Allocated): 38942182B/Unlimited
Analytics Usage (Data Policy Days Actual/Configured): 268/360 Days
Archive Usage (Used/Allocated): 13434880B/Unlimited
Archive Usage (Data Policy Days Actual/Configured): 268/365 Days
Log: Tx & Rx (28 logs received since 05:26:16 01/14/25)
IPS Packet Log: Tx & Rx
Content Archive: Tx & Rx
Quarantine: Tx & Rx

Certificate of Fortianalyzer valid and serial number is:FAZAWSTA23002441

Enable shell access

We can enable shell access and have access to usual Linux commands with non-privileged user.

  • Enable shell:

config  system admin  setting
set shell-access enable
Enter new password: *****
Confirm new password: *****
  • Enter the shell:

FAZ-AWS # execute  shell
Enter password:
bash$ id
uid=1000(user) gid=1000(user) groups=0(root),1000(user)

Sniffer of packets in real time dia sni pa

FAZ-AWS # diagnose sniffer packet any "port 514"
filters=[port 514]
1.383021 -> udp 646
3.640615 -> psh 2709416742 ack 1556741276
3.640752 -> psh 1556741276 ack 2709416776
3.640870 -> ack 1556741319
6.383617 -> udp 592
8.646227 -> psh 2709416776 ack 1556741319
8.646360 -> psh 1556741319 ack 2709416810
8.646492 -> ack 1556741362

Show interface information - ipconfig

Analog to the Linux ipconfig:

# diagnose fmnetwork interface list
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:3111107 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:3111107 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:786326557 (749.8 MiB)  TX bytes:786326557 (749.8 MiB)

port1     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 0A:A6:0D:24:11:DF
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::8a6:dff:fe24:11df/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:210149 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:142589 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:160687447 (153.2 MiB)  TX bytes:70994747 (67.7 MiB)

What type of logs are being received from each device

FAZ-AWS # diagnose test application oftpd 50

Showing logtypes of all cached devices ......


 FGTAWSN1JDGCU42E  root  2208            app-ctrl|ips|anomaly|dlp|emailfilter|event.system|event.vpn|
 SYSLOG-0A64680F   root  1440            generic

Log received stats in last 5, 30, and 60 seconds

FAZ-AWS # diagnose fortilogd lograte
last 5 seconds: 0.0, last 30 seconds: 0.1, last 60 seconds: 0.1

Logs per second per device

FAZ-AWS # diagnose fortilogd lograte-device

Logs per second
Totals                    Last Hour       Day      Week
        FGTAWSN1JDGCU42E:      0.16      0.11      0.02
         SYSLOG-0A64680F:      0.03      0.02      0.00
        FAZAWSTA23002441:      0.00      0.00      0.00

Show license for VMs

FAZ-AWS # dia license  list
Name       Status           Expiry       Description
PBDS       Valid            2099-12-31   post breach detection
SCPC       No License       N/A          cloud storage service
SOAR       No License       N/A          SOAR and SIEM bundle service
FOAS       No License       N/A          FAZ Outbreak Detection Service
ISSS       Valid            2038-01-03   Industrial Security Service
FGSA       No License       N/A          Security Rating Update
FAZ-AWS # diagnose debug vminfo
VM license is valid.
fds_code: 200

Type: Full
Licensed GB/Day: 1
Max devices: 2
Serial Number: FAZAWSTA23772441
VM UUID: ec211ef8-3328-358f-f78f-9450cf09a51d

Get system limits

FAZ-AWS # get system loglimits
GB/day               : 1
Peak Log Rate        : 50
Sustained Log Rate   : 30

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