Cisco CUCM CDR report - call duration and called numbers extraction script

Yesterday I had to extract some data from a CDR report for a client, namely call start time, its duration and the called number. And while I am sure Google has zillion scripts to be found, it was much faster to hack this one-liner in AWK .
The script extracts the following fields from the CDR report in this order:
dateTimeOrigination - for outgoing calls it is the time the device goes off hook
callingPartyNumber - initiator of the call
finalCalledPartyNumber - the reached/dialed number (after forwarding if any)
duration - duration of the call
The extracted data is placed in CSV format to be easily imported into Microsoft Excel. Enjoy. Any questions - feel free to ask.

 awk -F, 'BEGIN {OFS=","} {print strftime("%c",$5),$9,$31,$56}'  report_cdr 


Sun 04 May 2014 01:54:37 PM IDT,0555555555,2988,41
Sun 04 May 2014 01:55:07 PM IDT,2908,0555555555,25

In case you want to extract some other fields from CDR , here is the full list of available values and their position. For explanation you can look here - Cisco Call Detail Records Field Descriptions

1 cdrRecordType
2 globalCallID_callManagerId
3 globalCallID_callId
4 origLegCallIdentifier
5 dateTimeOrigination
6 origNodeId
7 origSpan
8 origIpAddr
9 callingPartyNumber
10 callingPartyUnicodeLoginUserID
11 origCause_location
12 origCause_value
13 origPrecedenceLevel
14 origMediaTransportAddress_IP
15 origMediaTransportAddress_Port
16 origMediaCap_payloadCapability
17 origMediaCap_maxFramesPerPacket
18 origMediaCap_g723BitRate
19 origVideoCap_Codec
20 origVideoCap_Bandwidth
21 origVideoCap_Resolution
22 origVideoTransportAddress_IP
23 origVideoTransportAddress_Port
24 origRSVPAudioStat
25 origRSVPVideoStat
26 destLegIdentifier
27 destNodeId
28 destSpan
29 destIpAddr
30 originalCalledPartyNumber
31 finalCalledPartyNumber
32 finalCalledPartyUnicodeLoginUserID
33 destCause_location
34 destCause_value
35 destPrecedenceLevel
36 destMediaTransportAddress_IP
37 destMediaTransportAddress_Port
38 destMediaCap_payloadCapability
39 destMediaCap_maxFramesPerPacket
40 destMediaCap_g723BitRate
41 destVideoCap_Codec
42 destVideoCap_Bandwidth
43 destVideoCap_Resolution
44 destVideoTransportAddress_IP
45 destVideoTransportAddress_Port
46 destRSVPAudioStat
47 destRSVPVideoStat
48 dateTimeConnect
49 dateTimeDisconnect
50 lastRedirectDn
51 pkid
52 originalCalledPartyNumberPartition
53 callingPartyNumberPartition
54 finalCalledPartyNumberPartition
55 lastRedirectDnPartition
56 duration
57 origDeviceName
58 destDeviceName
59 origCallTerminationOnBehalfOf
60 destCallTerminationOnBehalfOf
61 origCalledPartyRedirectOnBehalfOf
62 lastRedirectRedirectOnBehalfOf
63 origCalledPartyRedirectReason
64 lastRedirectRedirectReason
65 destConversationId
66 globalCallId_ClusterID
67 joinOnBehalfOf
68 comment
69 authCodeDescription
70 authorizationLevel
71 clientMatterCode
72 origDTMFMethod
73 destDTMFMethod
74 callSecuredStatus
75 origConversationId
76 origMediaCap_Bandwidth
77 destMediaCap_Bandwidth
78 authorizationCodeValue
79 outpulsedCallingPartyNumber
80 outpulsedCalledPartyNumber
81 origIpv4v6Addr
82 destIpv4v6Addr
83 origVideoCap_Codec_Channel2
84 origVideoCap_Bandwidth_Channel2
85 origVideoCap_Resolution_Channel2
86 origVideoTransportAddress_IP_Channel2
87 origVideoTransportAddress_Port_Channel2
88 origVideoChannel_Role_Channel2
89 destVideoCap_Codec_Channel2
90 destVideoCap_Bandwidth_Channel2
91 destVideoCap_Resolution_Channel2
92 destVideoTransportAddress_IP_Channel2
93 destVideoTransportAddress_Port_Channel2
94 destVideoChannel_Role_Channel2
95 incomingProtocolID
96 incomingProtocolCallRef
97 outgoingProtocolID
98 outgoingProtocolCallRef
99 currentRoutingReason
100 origRoutingReason
101 lastRedirectingRoutingReason
102 huntPilotDN
103 huntPilotPartition
104 calledPartyPatternUsage
105 outpulsedOriginalCalledPartyNumber
106 outpulsedLastRedirectingNumber
107 wasCallQueued
108 totalWaitTimeInQueue
109 callingPartyNumber_uri
110 originalCalledPartyNumber_uri
111 finalCalledPartyNumber_uri
112 lastRedirectDn_uri
113 mobileCallingPartyNumber
114 finalMobileCalledPartyNumber
115 origMobileDeviceName
116 destMobileDeviceName
117 origMobileCallDuration
118 destMobileCallDuration
119 mobileCallType
120 originalCalledPartyPattern
121 finalCalledPartyPattern
122 lastRedirectingPartyPattern
123 huntPilotPattern

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