
Yuri Slobodyanyuk's blog on IT Security and Networking sharing experience and expertise

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IP Options are evil – drop them , drop them on Cisco Asa/IOS Microsoft ISA Juniper or Checkpoint

As you probably noticed IP header has variable length placeholder for the IP Options field. It has been there since the beginning , once a good idea for debug now turned into trouble. RFC 791 states that hosts/routers supporting IP protocol must implement Ip Options filed . It is up to the vendor to decide what to do with this optional field, but it must understand it. Still, wouldn’t be a problem if not modern architecture of the routing equipment that was designed to do most efficiently Routing , i.e. pass from interface to interface gigabytes of traffic. Therefore routing functions are highly optimized and most of the time are implemented in hardware . All other types of traffic unfortunately are not, and in most of the cases processing , lets call it Control traffic, is being left to poor router CPU and done in software. That brought the troubles into the IP world – relatively small amounts of control traffic (including Ip Options packets) may bring down otherwise
powerful router in just minutes.
To prevent this attack vendors implemented protection measures to drop entirely or selectively IP packets that has Ip Options filed set. Below is quick cheat sheet how to do it in some gear :
Checkpoint firewall NG/NGX – packets with Ip Options are dropped by default except for the “Router Alert” option (0x94) for the IGMPv2 and PIM protocols [or so CP claim, will have to verify later] and not even logged. To start logging dropped packets go to Policy -> Global Properties -> Log and Alerts -> check Ip dropped packets : Log
There is a value related to it that is on by default : Global Properties -> SmartDashboard customization -> Advanced Configuration -> Configure -> Firewall 1 -> Stateful inspection -> enable_ip_options (check/uncheck) but unchecking it removes from firewall VM chain module that inspects these Options at all and all Ip Options packets are dropped . So all packets bearing Ip Options are happily dropped even before security rules , here:

[Expert@splat60]# fw ctl chain
in chain (9):
0: -7f800000 (9095dd60) (ffffffff) IP Options Strip (ipopt_strip)
1: – 1fffff6 (9095ee80) (00000001) Stateless verifications (asm)

Also Checkpoint say you can decide which Ip Options will be allowed later BUT only when installing the firewall: “The set of permitted options must be configured during installation … the enable_ip_options setting in SmartDashboard is then used to enable or disable this functionality. Contact Check Point support for instructions on configuring the set of allowed IP options.”

Microsoft ISA 2000 server:
– If Enable Packet Filtering is not checked then do it in IP Packet Filters -> Properties – > General tab. On the Packet Filters tab check Enable Filtering IP Options .
Microsoft ISA 2004 Server:
– IP options filtering is enabled by default
– Go to Configuration node of the server in question in Management console -> General -> Additional Security Policy
Define IP Preferences . Here you will have 3 options to deal with Ip Options packets:
a) Deny packets with any IP options;
b) Deny packets with selected IP options;
c) Deny packets with all except selected IP options
The same options are available in ISA 2006 , click on Configure IP Protection link – > IP Preference settings
IOS Cisco router :
Juniper router:
You just add ip-options term to the filter and apply it to the interface of interest. In the example below I block only Route Record type of Ip Options, if you use any then it will block any type:
[edit firewall family inet filter NOICMP term 3]
firewall {
    family inet {
        filter NOICMP {
            term 1 {
                from {
                    address {
                then {
            term 2 {
                from {
                    ip-options route-record;
                then {
            term 3 {
                from {
                    address {
                then accept;

Apply to the interface:

interfaces {
    em0 {
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
                filter {
                    input NOICMP;

Other possible arguments to ip-options clause:

set term 3 from ip-options ?

Possible completions:

<range>              Range of values
  [                    Open a set of values
  any                  Any IP option
  loose-source-route   Loose source route
  route-record         Route record
  router-alert         Router alert
  security             Security
  stream-id            Stream ID
  strict-source-route  Strict source route
  timestamp            Timestamp


Windows 2008.
By default it doesnt allow/forward packets with Source Routing set, and that’s good. For completeness
here is how to enable (or check whether it is enabled) source-routed forwarding:
BillG> netsh interface ipv4 set global sourceroutingbehavior=drop| forward| dontforward
– or-
Key: DisableIPSourceRouting
DWORD value: 0
In Security any measure/protection/method is as good as the proof you can present that it actually works.
– Ping with Record Route field set:
BillG> ping –r 9
– Ping with Strict Routing field set:
BillG> ping –k <1st_hop_router_IP> <2nd_hop_router_IP…> <target>
– Ping with Loose Routing field set:
BillG> ping -j <1st_hop_router_IP> <2nd_hop_router_IP…> <target>
– Ping with Timestamp option set:
BillG> ping –s 3
– Ping with Record Route field set:
root@darktstar:~/nmap# ping -R
– Ping with Timestamp option set:
root@darkstar:~/nmap# ping -T tsonly
Linux,BSD,Unix :
This handy utility sends bunch of packets to the target to test what Ip Options the target supports:
freebsd# fragtest ip-opt
ip-opt: sec lsrr ts esec cipso satid ssrr
I run fragroute above against Juniper (8.3) that was configured in the example earlier to block only Record Route option, as you can see it is indeed missing in the output list that enumerates what Ip Options the target supports [ see Reference for fragroute details]

References for further details:
Juniper: JUNOS Enterprise Routing, 1st Edition, By Doug Marschke; Harry Reynolds, 2008
Microsoft ISA : Microsoft® ISA Server 2006 Unleashed ,By Michael Noel, 2007
Fragroute http://monkey.org/~dugsong/fragroute/
Windows 2008: Windows® Server 2008 TCP/IP Protocols and Services,By Joseph Davies, 2008

Cisco log: Missing cef table for tableid 65535 during CEF samecable event

Today I’ve noticed some strange error on my Cisco 1841 router :

%FIB-4-FIBCBLK: Missing cef table for tableid 65535 during CEF samecable event

After searching the net, i’ve found some Cisco bug that describes this.
“FIB-4-FIBCBLK errors with dns view

Message “%FIB-4-FIBCBLK: Missing cef table for tableid 65535 during CEF samecable event” displayed on the console logs.


The message seems to be generated anytime a dns request is made to the router where the router then has to use the dns forwarder

No workaround”

This happens when you have DNS server on the device and it needs to grab the answer from the device configured DNS server (A.K.A DNS Forwarder), and each request will cause this error log.

According to Cisco, the affected device list does not include my MD release – 12.4(25b), however i do see it . (List)

List of IOS with the Fix :

Scheduled Daily Reboot of FortiGate

Recently I had to do late night restart of a Fortigate and was looking for “Reload in…”
I found it, but in Fortigate it is a little different.
It’s called Daily Restart, and if you want to use it once you need to remember to remove this command.

config system global
set daily-restart enable
set restart time 04:00

Now the FortiGate is configured to reboot at 4 AM (System Time).
Don’t forget to update the system clock (Use NTP, Always keeps it synced)

Cisco ASA privilege separation for a local user or read only user on ASA

Today I had the need to create a user in ASA that would have read-only permissions and also could issue
only 2 commands: show run and show conn. Here is how to do it.
We talk here about user with local authentication (with TACACS it is much easier).
Just as in Cisco routers you assign specific command to some privilege level different from its default level , then create user with this privilege level :

1) Assign command to specific privilege level ( I pick here level 3 , but it may be any but 15):

(config)# privilege show level 3 mode exec command running-config
(config)# privilege show level 3 mode exec command conn

2) create username with privilege of the command you want him to give
(config)# username Joedoe password asdlgfuwe privilege 3

Now you have 2 options – create general enable password for this given level (3 here) ,so
any user after successful login can enter > enable 3 and enter it to get to level 3 enable
mode. Or , as I did here, not creating enable level 3 password at all and the user will have to enter its
privilege level using login command.
3) now user can connect by ssh (if allowed by Ip of course) :
#ssh Joedoe@
Joedoe@<enter user’s pass here>
ASA> login
Username: Joedoe
Password: **********
# sh curpriv
Username : Joedoe
Current privilege level : 3
Current Mode/s : P_PRIV

Cisco ASA Configuration Guide 8.0

Print rulebase in Checkpoint

The best place to hide something is to place it before your eyes. Thanks to theacademypro.com I discovered a cool feature of the SmartDashboard – ability to print rules directly from the Dashboard , you just go to File -> Print -> Rule Base.. and that’s it. Just amazing , I have been using Dashboards  throughout these years hundreds of times and never noticed it. Seems like you have to learn all your life to just return to the place you started from 🙂 .
Happy New Year All!

Checkpoint – back up centrally for recovery.

Backing up firewall configs for disaster recovery  is tedious and mundane task. And if you have enough firewalls doing it manually becomes impractical . To address this case I set up a highly secured server that periodically runs script backing up the clients’ firewalls.

I use here poll model – this central server connects by SSH to the remote firewalls ,issues upgrade_export command then downloads backup using SCP and finally deletes the backup from the firewall itself.
Advantage of such a schema as opposed to the push model where firewalls push backups to the central server I see in that:
 – I can secure this server much more as no remotely accessible services are running (so no remote exploit is possible)
 – I can have rule in firewall before this server Inbound – > Deny Any Any
 – I centrally manage the backup script , if something changes I fix just one script .
Disadvantage – password to enter the firewalls is stored clear text in the script.
Now to the script – I did it in Expect to make life easier , in short it just emulates interactive login by SSH, then runs upgrade_export command, downloads by SCP the backup file, also creating file with md5sum of the backup and downloading it as well. The final action is to login by SSH back and remove the backup file from the firewall.
Naming it does by adding current date to the IP of the firewall. No error checking is done.
Files used in script:
hosts  – file containing IPs of the firewalls to backup in the form <IP of firewall> one per line .

The script goes next (at the end you can download script as file to fix lines wrapping):

#set timeout to suffice for the largest backup file to download
set timeout 3000
#set password to enter the firewall
set password “password”
set username  “admin”
#set format for naming files
set timeand_date [clock format [clock seconds] -format %B-%Y-%m-%d]
#open hosts file that contains IPs of the firewalls and read it in a loop
set ff [open “hosts” r]
while {[gets $ff hostName] >= 0} {
 puts “Entering $hostName”
 spawn ssh -l $username $hostName
 expect {
        {[Pp]assword:} { send “$password\r” }
 “(yes*no)” { send “yes\r”
              expect {[Pp]assword:} {
 send “$password\r”
#increase timeout of SSH session
 expect {*#}  {
 send “TMOUT=900\r” }
 expect {*#}  {
 send “export TMOUT\r”}
#Create backup directory
 expect {*#}  {
 send “mkdir /var/Upgrade_export_backups\r”  }
 expect {*#}  {
 send “cd /var/Upgrade_export_backups\r”  }
#Issue the upgrade_export command
 expect {*#}  {
 send “\$FWDIR/bin/upgrade_tools/upgrade_export $timeand_date$hostName\r”  }
 expect {
{ready} {
 send “\r”      }
 {(y/n) [n]} {
 send “yes\r” }
#Calculate md5sum of the newly created backup file and save it to file
expect {*#} {
send “md5sum $timeand_date$hostName.tgz > $timeand_date$hostName.md5sum\r”}
expect {*#} {
  send “exit\r”}
  spawn  scp  $username@$hostName:/var/Upgrade_export_backups/\{$timeand_date$hostName.md5sum,$timeand_date$hostName.tgz\}    .
expect {
        {[Pp]assword:} { send “$password\r” }
 expect {#}   {
 #send “exit\r”
 spawn ssh -l $username $hostName
 expect {
        {[Pp]assword:} { send “$password\r” }
 “(yes*no)” { send “yes\r”
              expect {[Pp]assword:} {
 send “$password\r”
#remove created backup file
 expect {*#}  {
 send “cd /var/Upgrade_export_backups\r”  }
 expect {*#}  {
 send “rm -f $timeand_date$hostName.tgz\r”  }
 expect {*#}  {
 send “exit\r”  }
close $ff

Script as a file

Checkpoint winscp troubles

Checkpoint firewalls have 3 means of  transferring files in/out – ftp (client ) , SCP and SFTP (haven’t tried it yet) .
At some stage of the debug/upgrade process you will have to move files in either direction. The most secure is SCP protocol. On windows platforms picking the GUI SCP client is not hard – you only have WinSCP as your choice. And being otherwise  reliable and easy to use software it just doesn’t work with Checkpoint many times.  To fix this is easier than you can think of.

But first few prerequisites:

  To allow SCP connection to the firewall you have to :

       – create file named /etc/scpusers

       – add to it user per line – with which user you will be connecting for SCP session

       – make sure that for this user(s) shell is set to /bin/bash in /etc/passwd file

       – and of course allow SSH protocol connection from your host to the firewall.

After all the above done you connect using WinSCP, all goes well, try to download some file and …

Winscp fails when trying to download/upload some file from/to firewall

Error happens…
The easiest way (and the only one I found so far ) is to .. NOT use WinSCP but instead use wonderful
software PSCP from Putty author that doesn’t have GUI but works flawlessly with Checkpoint.
Download it here www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham , read instructions and have no regrets ever after.

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