mRemoteNG initial set up and usage


Sometimes, you have to work with the tools you were given, and while I’m adept of SecureCRT for all things SSH, recently I had to use mRemoteNG sessions manager, and here are few steps to make it usable.

Few facts:

  • Download link:

  • Docs:

  • It has Putty bundled in it, so basically Putty does all the SSH-related stuff.

  • Written in C#, so this, plus above makes it Windows-only.

  • It has 9k stars on Github.

  • All saved sessions are kept in an XML file C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\mRemoteNG\confCons.xml

  • Passwords seem to be encrypted/hashed, didn’t dig how secure though, in the above file the saved RDP session with user "admin" looks like: Username="admin" Domain="" Password="M4XCuNtMKYd/BiQsg2VCjm1EhU+KBzQigTJZCBJOaq8USrypS+epbXUKSGhR7gkK6ynb+hAD" Hostname="" Protocol="RDP" PuttySession="Default Settings" Port="3389"

Create and save new Connection Session

Flow: Create a new session/connection (it is just a name), then, in the window below it, configure its properties: IP/Hostname, Protocol (SSH, RDP, VNC), user/pass, (opt) map to the named Putty session (by default mapped to "Default Settings" in Putty).

mremoteng initial setup

Change appearance - increase font etc.

To change appearance, you have to change settings in the Putty session: Tools → Options → Advanced → Launch Putty

mremoteng initial setup2

Change Appearance in the "Default Settings" putty profile as usual, or create a custom profile which you mention after that in mRemoteNG properties of a specific session. Settings of the Putty "Default Settings" session are used by default in all new connections in mRemoteNG, so it is easier to change this session in Putty to affect all exisitng and future Connection Sessions in mRemoteNG.

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After making changes to the profile inside Putty, do not forget to save session in the main window of the Putty.

mremoteng initial setup4

Send the same command to multiple open SSH sesisons

To send the same command to multiple active SSH sessions: View → Multi SSH, this will open a text box where we can type in commands and they will be sent to all open sessions. There is no option to selecively send commands to some sessions.

mremoteng multi ssh command

I also write cheat sheets/scripts/guides to help in daily work, so make sure to check out my Github at and