PTR bulk DNS resolver in Perl to see what is in the name

There are many ways to do PTR resolving in bulk, and this is just one of them. It doesn't pretend to be the fastest/coolest/best, the only thing I can claim - it works.

    # Yuri
    # 19.02.2013
    # this script accepts range of IP addresses to do PTr resolving for
    # the range has to be in this format: startIp-endIp.startIp-endIp.startIp-endIp.startIp-endIp.
    # Only answers are printed, i.e. if there is no answer  nothing is printed
    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use Net::DNS ;

    my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new();
      my $input = shift ;
         $input =~ /(.+)-(.+)\.(.+)-(.+)\.(.+)-(.+)\.(.+)-(.+)/ ;
         print "Resolving ptrs for the following range: $input\n" ;
         print "Started working at: " . scalar gmtime . "\n" ;
         my ($oct1_start,$oct1_end,$oct2_start,$oct2_end,$oct3_start,$oct3_end,$oct4_start,$oct4_end) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8) ;
     foreach my $oct1 ($oct1_start..$oct1_end) {
       foreach my $oct2 ($oct2_start..$oct2_end) {
         foreach my $oct3 ($oct3_start..$oct3_end) {
           foreach my $oct4 ($oct4_start..$oct4_end) {
       my $answer = $res->query("${oct1}.${oct2}.${oct3}.${oct4}") ;
     if (defined $answer) {
    my @ptr = $answer->answer;
    foreach my $record_ptr (@ptr) {
    #print " NEw " . $record_ptr->print ;
     my $str = substr($record_ptr->string,rindex($record_ptr->string,'R')+1) ;
     print "$oct1.$oct2.$oct3.$oct4  "  . $str . "\n";

    } } }}

      print "Run completed at: " . scalar gmtime . "\n" ;

Example run: ** #perl 194-194.90-90.33-33.0-255**

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