sla monitor in Cisco ASA land

SLA monitoring is finally here. What is it useful for ? To add/remove dynamically routes in ASA depending on results of the SLA status. Below is configuration steps but while there are many words in the command itself there are not much options there , so the command is long but pretty uniform.

TokyoASA1(config)# sla monitor 33 TokyoASA1(config-sla-monitor)# type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho int outside type echo TokyoASA1(config-sla-monitor-echo)# ?

default            Set a command to its defaults   
  exit               Exit probe configuration    
  frequency          Frequency of an operation   
  no                 Negate a command or set its defaults   
  num-packets        Number of Packets   
  request-data-size  Request data size   
  threshold          Operation threshold in milliseconds   
  timeout            Timeout of an operation   
  tos                Type Of Service  

TokyoASA1(config-sla-monitor-echo)# frequency ?

sla-monitor-echo mode commands/options:   
  <1-604800>  Frequency in seconds 

TokyoASA1(config)# sla monitor schedule 33 ?

ageout      How long to keep this Entry when inactive   
  life        Length of time to execute in seconds   
  recurring   Probe to be scheduled automatically every day   
  start-time  When to start this entry

TokyoASA1(config)# sla monitor schedule 33 life forever start after 00:05:00

Now create tracking process to be later applied to the static route:

TokyoASA1(config)# track 1 rtr 33 reachability

And finally we create static route and attach to it the created track :

TokyoASA1(config)# route outside 0 0 track 1

Now let's see some statistics on the track:

TokyoASA1# sh track

Track 1   
  Response Time Reporter 33 reachability   
  Reachability is Down   
  1 change, last change 00:04:03   
  Latest operation return code: Unknown   
  Tracked by:   

The final configuration looks like

sla monitor 33   
 type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho interface outside   
 num-packets 3   
 request-data-size 1500   
 timeout 30   
 frequency 5   
sla monitor schedule 33 life forever start-time after 00:05:00 

TokyoASA1# sh sla monitor configuration

Entry number: 33   
Type of operation to perform: echo   
Target address:   
Interface: outside   
Number of packets: 3   
Request size (ARR data portion): 1500   
Operation timeout (milliseconds): 30   
Type Of Service parameters: 0x0   
Verify data: No   
Operation frequency (seconds): 5   
Next Scheduled Start Time: Start Time already passed   
Group Scheduled : FALSE   
Life (seconds): Forever   
Entry Ageout (seconds): never   
Recurring (Starting Everyday): FALSE   
Status of entry (SNMP RowStatus): Active   
Enhanced History:

TokyoASA1# sh sla monitor configuration operational-state

Entry number: 33   
Modification time: 15:14:04.168 UTC Sun May 23 2010   
Number of Octets Used by this Entry: 1480   
Number of operations attempted: 48   
Number of operations skipped: 0   
Current seconds left in Life: Forever   
Operational state of entry: Active   
Last time this entry was reset: Never   
Connection loss occurred: FALSE   
Timeout occurred: FALSE   
Over thresholds occurred: FALSE   
Latest RTT (milliseconds): 1   
Latest operation start time: 15:22:59.169 UTC Sun May 23 2010   
RTT Values:   
RTTAvg: 1RTTMin: 1RTTMax: 1   
NumOfRTT: 3RTTSum: 3RTTSum2: 3 

TokyoASA1# debug sla monitor ?

error Output IP SLA Monitor Error Messages trace Output IP SLA Monitor Trace Messages

TokyoASA1# debug sla monitor trace

TokyoASA1# IP SLA Monitor(33) Scheduler: Starting an operation   
IP SLA Monitor(33) echo operation: Sending an echo operation   
IP SLA Monitor(33) echo operation: RTT=0 OK   
IP SLA Monitor(33) echo operation: RTT=0 OK   
IP SLA Monitor(33) echo operation: RTT=1 OK   
IP SLA Monitor(33) Scheduler: Updating result   
IP SLA Monitor(33) Scheduler: Starting an operation   
IP SLA Monitor(33) echo operation: Sending an echo operation   
IP SLA Monitor(33) echo operation: RTT=0 OK   
IP SLA Monitor(33) echo operation: RTT=0 OK   
IP SLA Monitor(33) echo operation: RTT=1 OK 

And by the way it really works - when track is down the route to which it is attached magically disappeared from the routing table as should.

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