
Yuri Slobodyanyuk's blog on IT Security and Networking sharing experience and expertise

Category: Cisco (page 4 of 6)

Redundant interfaces in Cisco ASA

In Checkpoint they call it interface bonding – when will I stop dragging this Checkpoint everywhere ? – in Cisco ASA they called it interface redundancy. The idea is to provide for the physical link failure. That is – you combine two physical interfaces on the ASA into a virtual one, then you configure all the Layer 3 parameters on this virtual interface. At the same time only ONE of the interfaces in a group is active, if it fails ASA transparently switches to the next available interface in a group and all traffic passes through it. By default the first added to the group interface becomes active and all the rest become passive. At the end of the article there is some dry theory and facts, but now let’s plunge into code.
Warning !The moment you assign some physical interface to be a member of the redundant virtual interface ALL the existing configs on such interface are wiped out.
Create redundant interface (group) and assign 2 physical interfaces to it :

Santa#conf t
Santa(config)# interface Redundant1
Santa(config-if)# member-interface Ethernet0/0
Santa(config-if)# member-interface Ethernet0/2
Santa(config-if)#no nameif
Santa(config-if)#no security-level
Santa(config-if)#no ip address

Now basically we can start configuring nameif , IP address and security level for this Redundant1 interface but let’s be more creative and create some VLANs on it.

So far :

Santa#show run int
interface Redundant1
member-interface Ethernet0/0
member-interface Ethernet0/2
no nameif
no security-level
no ip address
Santa(config)# interface Redundant1.120

Santa(config-subif)# vlan 120
Santa(config-subif)# nameif dmz
Santa(config-subif)# security-level 50
Santa(config-subif)# ip address

To remind you state of the physical interfaces comprising the Redundant 1 is :

interface Ethernet0/2
no nameif
no security-level
no ip address

interface Ethernet0/0
no nameif
no security-level
no ip address

interface Redundant1
member-interface Ethernet0/0
member-interface Ethernet0/2
no nameif
no security-level
no ip address

Santa(config)# interface Redundant1.100
Santa(config-subif)# vlan 100
Santa(config-subif)# nameif outside
Santa(config-subif)# security-level 0
Santa(config-subif)# ip address

Now some verification is looming (pay attention to the bottom of the output where you can see which interface is currently active and how many state changes have happened so far) :

Santa# sh int redundant 1 detail
Interface Redundant1 “”, is up, line protocol is up

Hardware is i82546GB rev03, BW 1000 Mbps, DLY 10 usec
Auto-Duplex(Full-duplex), Auto-Speed(100 Mbps)
Available but not configured via nameif
MAC address 001b.d589.9892, MTU not set
IP address unassigned
1870 packets input, 150617 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 1329 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
766 L2 decode drops
264 packets output, 24326 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
0 babbles, 0 late collisions, 0 deferred
0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier
input queue (curr/max packets): hardware (9/18) software (0/0)
output queue (curr/max packets): hardware (0/2) software (0/0)
Control Point Interface States:
Interface number is 10
Interface config status is active
Interface state is active
Redundancy Information:
Member Ethernet0/0(Active), Ethernet0/2
Last switchover at 07:25:35 UTC August 19 2010

And what about some debug ? Of course:
Santa(config)# debug redundant-interface ?

exec mode commands/options:
error errors
event events

Now let’s initiate shut on physical interface Ethernet0/2 that is now active
redundant interface Redundant1 switchover, active idx 1, stby idx 0

redundant interface Redundant1 switching active from Ethernet0/2 to Ethernet0/0.

Send gratuitous ARP on Redundant1.100.
Send gratuitous ARP on Redundant1.120.
redundant interface Redundant1 switch active to Ethernet0/0 done.

Switch has happened, now verify it:

Santa(config-if)# sh int redundant 1 det
Interface Redundant1 “”, is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is i82546GB rev03, BW 1000 Mbps, DLY 10 usec
Auto-Duplex(Full-duplex), Auto-Speed(100 Mbps)
Available but not configured via nameif
MAC address 001b.d589.9892, MTU not set
IP address unassigned
2284 packets input, 187559 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 1544 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
797 L2 decode drops
296 packets output, 27430 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets
0 babbles, 0 late collisions, 0 deferred
0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier
input queue (curr/max packets): hardware (8/18) software (0/0)
output queue (curr/max packets): hardware (0/5) software (0/0)

Control Point Interface States:

Interface number is 10
Interface config status is active
Interface state is active
Redundancy Information:

Member Ethernet0/0(Active), Ethernet0/2
Last switchover at 07:57:11 UTC August 19 2010

Having done a bit practice the dry theory comes next.

  • You can define up to 8 Redundant interfaces (if you have ASA 5580 why not?);
  • All the interfaces in the same group should be of the same type (Ethernet with Fiber won’t go well) ;
  • Only one interface is passing production traffic at any given moment;
  • Redundant interface gets by default MAC address of the first added to it interface, configurable;<
  • When fail over happens to the second interface, it takes over MAC address of its previously active neighbour to prevent loss of traffic. If MAC is configured especially and manually it remains the same;
  • You can force some interface to become Active using the command:
    Santa# redundant-interface redundant active-member <if_name>
  • Redundant interfaces are compatible with fail over feature.

For even more information , see:
ASA 8.3 interface configuration

Playing with RIP on ASA

Cisco ASA and RIP
RIP has been with ASA for years and in this article I will try to cover all possible scenarios in configuring, misconfiguring. debugging and verifying it. As I come up with new ideas how to break the RIP on ASA I will update this article as well.
As it would be expected ASA has a bit limited version of RIP daemon as compared with IOS one. Major tasks you my be required to do :

  • Enable RIP on the ASA;
  • Dictate the version to work with – RIP v1 or RIP v2;
  • Specify networks RIP protocol will be active for;
  • Exclude some interfaces from active advertising RIP on them but allow to get
    RIP updates on them , i.e. passive interface(s);
  • Decide whether you want auto-summarization or not. Default is on;
  • Enable Rip updates authentication and whether it should be
    encrypted (MD5 mode) or clear text (text mode);
  • If using authentication define authentication keys under relevant interfaces;
  • To make your life harder you will be asked to redistribute;
  • Finally verify and debug RIP operation.

SO let’s get our hands dirty.
Enable RIP routing process.

ASA#conf t
ASA(config)# router rip

Set it to run exclusively version 2 . ASA doesn’t know to mix version
2 and 1 as IOS does.

TokyoASA(config-router)# version 2

Networks to be active for . You should specify classful nets or even if you specify anything different after you enter such networks ASA will automatically turn them into classful ones anyway.

TokyoASA(config-router)# network

Verifying configuration so far:

TokyoASA(config-router)# sh run router
router rip
version 2

You will most probably want to disable summarization :

TokyoASA(config-router)# no auto-summary

Exclude some interface from advertising on it:
– To suppress on ALL interfaces in one go:

TokyoASA(config-router)# passive-interface default

– To be more specific:

TokyoASA(config-router)# passive-interface outside

Authentication is configured exclusively under the interface :
– Dictate which authentication mode to use.

TokyoASA(config-if)# rip authentication mode md5

– Specify the key (password) and its id.

TokyoASA(config-if)# rip authentication key MYKEY key_id 33

Here is how it looks in show run interface :

interface Ethernet0/0
nameif outside
security-level 0
ip address
rip authentication mode md5
rip authentication key <removed> key_id 33

Redistribute. Just redistributing learned in other ways networks into the RIP would be boring. As usual you redistribute connected, static, ospf and rip (when working with the rest of the protocols).

TokyoASA(config-router)# redistribute ?
router mode commands/options:
connected Connected
ospf Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
rip Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
static Static routes

Much more interesting is to implement some policy while redistributing using route-maps. As expected route-maps here are not what we used to know in IOS.
So what can you match for me ?

TokyoASA(config-route-map)# match ?
route-map mode commands/options:
interface Match first hop interface of route
ip Match IP address or next-hop or route-source
metric Match metric of route
route-type Match route-type of route

The most familiar and useful match on ACL lies here:

TokyoASA(config-route-map)# match ip ?
route-map mode commands/options:
address Match address of route or match packet
next-hop Match next-hop address of route
route-source Match advertising source address of route
TokyoASA(config-route-map)# match ip address FILTER-ACL
TokyoASA(config-route-map)# route-map RIPv2 permit 10
match ip address FILTER-ACL
match interface inside
TokyoASA(config-router)# redistribute connected route-map RIPv2 metric 13

About rest of the match conditions, I’ll cover them when talking about OSPF in ASA.

TokyoASA(config-route-map)# match route-type ?
route-map mode commands/options:
external Match external route (OSPF type 1/2)
internal Match internal route (including OSPF intra/inter area)
local Match locally generated route
nssa-external Match nssa-external route (OSPF type 1/2)

Filtering out routes in updates.
If you want to filter some networks in updates use distribute-list.

TokyoASA(config-router)# distribute-list MYACL ?
router mode commands/options:
in Filter incoming routing updates
out Filter outgoing routing updates

Now some debug is due.
Enable rip debug:

TokyoASA1# debug rip
TokyoASA1# sh debug
debug rip routing
debug rip database
debug rip events

Normal functioning protocol debug output:

add via, connected metric [0/0]network is now variably masked
add via, connected metric [0/0]
RIP-DB: redist 0, last interface dmz1) to RIP
RIP-DB: redist 0, last interface dmz1) to RIP
RIP-DB: Get redist for network
RIP-DB: adding (metric 0) via on Ethernet0/2.120 to RIP database
RIP-DB: rip_create_ndb create, (best metric 4294967295)
RIP-DB: rip_create_rdb Create, (metric 0) via, Ethernet0/2.120(permanent)
RIP-DB: add (metric 0) via on Ethernet0/2.120 (donot_age)
RIP-DB: Adding new rndb entry
RIP-DB: rip_create_ndb create, (best metric 4294967295)
RIP-DB: rip_create_rdb Create, (metric 0) via, Null0(permanent)
RIP-DB: Created rip ndb summary entry for
RIP-DB: Adding new rndb entry rip_route_adjust for dmz1 coming up
RIP: sending request on dmz1 to rip_route_adjust for dmz1 coming up
RIP: sending request on dmz1 to
RIP: sending v2 flash update to via dmz1 (
RIP: build flash update entries – suppressing null update
RIP: sending v2 update to via dmz1 (
RIP: build update entries – suppressing null update

Now the authentication has been enabled but keys on 2 peers are not the same:

RIP: sending v2 update to via inside (
RIP: build update entries via, metric 1, tag 0 via, metric 2, tag 0 via, metric 1, tag 0 via, metric 1, tag 0
RIP: Update contains 4 routes
RIP: Update queued
RIP: sending v2 update to via dmz1 (
RIP: build update entries via, metric 2, tag 0 via, metric 1, tag 0 via, metric 1, tag 0 via, metric 1, tag 0
RIP: Update contains 4 routes
RIP: Update queued
RIP: Update sent via inside rip-len:92
RIP: Update sent via dmz1 rip-len:92
RIP: ignored v2 packet from (invalid authentication)
RIP: sending v2 update to via inside (
RIP: build update entries via, metric 1, tag 0 via, metric 2, tag 0 via, metric 1, tag 0 via, metric 1, tag 0
RIP: Update contains 4 routes
RIP: Update queued
RIP: sending v2 update to via dmz1 (
RIP: build update entries

MAC finder script

While I don’t like going down to Layer 2 , recently I had to do it – I didn’t know IP address of the Cisco router I wanted to connect to but I had access to the Cisco router sitting in the same network. That would be pretty easy to do #show arp on this router and then search on Google to whom belongs each MAC if it wasn’t the subnet mask of /26. Copy pasting each entry of the ARP table into Google didn’t look like a lot of fun. So I wrote a python script that reads MAC addresses in bulk from command line and using downloaded beforehand database of MAC-vendor translations prints vendor for each MAC address. It works for #show arp on CIsco,#show mac-address-table on CIsco switches, #arp -en on Linux (means including Checkpoint), #arp -a on Freebsd ,#show arp of Junos from Juniper, #get sys arp on Fortigate.
Below is the script.
mac-database.txt – file containing MAC-vendor translation in format <MAC 6 hex digits as a sequence> <VENDOR>, I used standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/oui.txt as the source with a bit of sed, but if you want ready to use file I recommend nmap-mac-prefixes from nmap source-code distribution http://nmap.org/svn/nmap-mac-prefixes
Download script (to make sure formatting is preserved, an important thing for Python)
Script AND mac database from nmap project – http://yurisk.info/scripts/mac.tar.gz

#This script accepts MAC addresses from the command line and
#prints vendor for each mac address
# Author:Yuri, yurisk@yurisk.info,06.2010
import sys
import re
#This function removes from MACs colon or dot and returns MAC as a sequence of HEX chars
def dotreplace(matchobj):
         if matchobj.group(0) == '.':
                return ''
         elif  matchobj.group(0) == ':':
                return ''
#open file with MAC addresses and vendors database,it has form xxxx <Vendor>
#Read from stdinput
data = sys.stdin.readlines()
for ppp in data:
       if popa:
             newpopa=re.sub('\.', dotreplace,popa.group(1))[0:6]
             for mac_db in macs_lines:
                 if vendor:
                    print ppp.strip(),mac_db[7:]
       popalinux = re.search('.*([a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}:[a-f0-9]{2}).*',ppp,re.IGNORECASE)
       if popalinux:
             for mac_db in macs_lines:
                 if vendor:
                    print ppp.strip(),mac_db[7:]

       popadash = re.search('.*([a-f0-9]{2}-[a-f0-9]{2}-[a-f0-9]{2}-[a-f0-9]{2}-[a-f0-9]{2}-[a-f0-9]{2}).*',ppp,re.IGNORECASE)
       if popadash:
             for mac_db in macs_lines:
                 if vendor:
                    print ppp.strip(),mac_db[7:]

Running it:

[root@darkstar ]# ./mac-finder.py
<now I copy paste output from arp -a in BSD>
$ arp -a
( at 00:50:56:95:74:72 on em0 [ethernet]
( at 00:09:0f:31:c8:24 on em0 [ethernet]
<Hit CTRL+D to signal the end of input>
( at 00:50:56:95:74:72 on em0 [ethernet] VMware, Inc.
( at 00:09:0f:31:c8:24 on em0 [ethernet] Fortinet Inc.

Visio stencils for Cisco, Juniper, Fortinet, Checkpoint, Avaya

Some links to download Microsoft Visio stencils of the most popular vendors.
Checkpoint happen not to have official stencils set, only Nokia appliances stuff can be found. So someone volunteered and using icons/press releases/PowerPoint presentations done by the Checkpoint turned it into the Visio stencils:
If nothing else helps here you can find the rest:

SMTP inspection with policy-map in ASA

This is the first time I was disappointed by the cisco.com or Checkopint:ASA 1:0. I have had a simple task at hand – configure SMTP inspection in ASA 8.0(3) and cisco.com documentation didn’t help me at all. But first the task:Secure internal mail server by preventing it from sending spam outbound. It comes to mind two very simple but largely effective measures – block mails with From: field set to any domain but ours, and block attempts to relay Through the internal mail server mails destined to any domain but ours. In Checkpoint I can do it quite simply with SMTP Resource. Unfortunately in ASA it is not the case. Let’s look at final SMTP inspection I configured in ASA.
Input :
Internal server having outside IP address of serves two domains apple.com and microsoft.com
– block mails with From: field set to any domain but apple.com or microsoft.com
– block mail relying for any domain but microsoft.com or apple.com
NOTE. Here I did this config on the production client so had no room for experimenting with all “what ifs” Identify mails direction from inside server outbound. I did it as didn’t find reliable info about sender-address match condition – does it match in any direction if applied globally on all traffic ? I mean , if it just looks at Mail from: field and acts on mails in both directions then it would block mails coming in from any domain but client’s own.
To prevent even checking this on client I did this ACL that will apply this SMTP inspection to outgoing mails

BigInJapan(config)#access-list Mail-server permit tcp host any eq 25

To block mails with From filed other than client’s domains I use regex that matches client’s domains and the use negation with NOT.

BigInJapan(config)# regex PermittedSenders “@microsoft.com|@apple.com “

Create policy-map where all the tweaked parameters are set (as of ASA 8.2 there is still no class-map type inspect esmtp) .

BigInJapan (config)# policy-map type inspect esmtp NoSpamOutside

Match all mails that Mail from field is anything but *@microsoft.com or *@apple.com. Action is reset and log.
It is more secure I guess to drop instead of reset as in drop malware would have to wait until some timeout, but I didn’t care here anyway.

BigInJapan(config-pmap)# match not sender-address regex PermittedSenders
BigInJapan(config-pmap-c)# reset log
BigInJapan(config-pmap-c)# exit

Various parameters. Here you set internal domain the mail server is serving, so trying to deliver mails to any other domain would be seen as illegal relaying and dropped. But also I was surprised to know here that policy-map mail-relay parameter can be used only once, leaving you without this protection if you have multiple domains served from the same server. So below is theoretical configuration if my client had just one domain on his server.

BigInJapan(config-pmap)# parameters
BigInJapan(config-pmap-p)# mail-relay apple.com action drop-connection log
BigInJapan(config-pmap-p)# exit
BigInJapan(config-pmap)# exit

Now create general policy-map to tie it all together.

BigInJapan(config)# policy-map NoSpamFromUs
BigInJapan(config-pmap)# class Mail-server
BigInJapan(config-pmap-c)# inspect esmtp NoSpamOutside
BigInJapan(config-pmap-c)# exit
BigInJapan(config-pmap)# exit

And apply it on some interface.

Important: according to Hucaby’s ASA handbook application protocol inspection is applied AFTER the NAT rules are done, so you need to use in your class-map/ACL IPs that are after the translation. Internal IP of the mail server is that is statically NATed to, so I used in class-map’s ACL.

On which interface to apply the policy-map I guess doesn’t matter but to be sure I did it on the outside.

BigInJapan(config)# service-policy NoSpamFromUs interface outside

Link to Inspection page in ASA 8.
Applying Application Layer Protocol Inspection

Cisco IPS sensor – initial setup

UPDATE 2011 – I started a video walkthrough series on configuring IPS you can find by clicking on yurisk.info/tag/video-how-to END OF UPDATE
Hello everyone. I’m starting a new category on the site – Cisco IPS. I will be posting all the things I learn about this gear, even the basics as I noted that on the Internet Cisco IPS sensors
are not much talked about and while not sure why this is so, I’ll try to fill the gap.In all cases I am using CIsco IPS sensor 4235 unless specified otherwise

Initial Configuration.
By default , out of the box the sensor has the following defaults:

Management IP:
Default gateway: Allowed access: from the network
Telnet access: disabled
HTTPS: port 443

As most likely your network has different network address the first thing to do is change management IP, default gateway and allowed management access network(s)/IP. You do so by connecting with console to it .
You can configure these basic network settings in 2 ways: enter all the configuration commands on CLI (if you know them) or run interactive menu-type setup by issuing on the CLI: #setup . I’ll show both ways but let’s start with the setup menu.
A short remark – IPS sensor is the one of not so many devices in the Cisco family that configuring/managing/communicating with it using its GUI interface is the recommended and preferred way . It is much more intuitive, simple, produces the very same configuration at the device as done in CLI. The only time you may need to do stuff with CLI is initial setup and debug.

Configuring minimal required settings through setup menu:

  1. Connect to the device by terminal
  2. enter default user/password: cisco/cisco (or see the documentation coming with the device);
  3. run:
    sensor# setup

– First you are presented with the whole configuration currently set, just hit Space key until it reaches the end and asks whether you want to enter the setup dialog , print yes and Enter:

Continue with configuration dialog?[yes]:     
Enter host name[sensor]: IPS4235  Here I set hostname to IPS4235
Enter IP interface[,]:,   Pay attention to the syntax of specifying the management IP its subnet mask and default gateway
Enter telnet-server status[disabled]: enable     I say yes here but you are advised to say no on production devices
Enter web-server port[443]:         Default https listening port
Modify current access list?[no]: yes
Current access list entries:
  No entries
Permit:                 I allow management access to the device form this specific station 
Permit:                       Hit Enter to move to the next menu item
Modify system clock settings?[no]: no
Modify summer time settings?[no]: no
Modify system timezone?[no]: no
Modify interface/virtual sensor configuration?[no]: no
Modify default threat prevention settings?[no]: 
------cut here------------
exit exit 

Upon finishing all the menu items in the dialog you are presented with the configuration you just entered :

The following configuration was entered. 
service host 
host-name IPS4235 
telnet-option enabled 
ftp-timeout 300 
no login-banner-text 
summertime-option disabled 
ntp-option disabled 
service web-server port 443 

At the end of the output you are given the following choices:

[0] Go to the command prompt without saving this config. 
[1] Return back to the setup without saving this config. 
[2] Save this configuration and exit setup. 
 Enter your selection[2]:   2 

Then device asks to reboot in order for the changes to take effect – confirm that.
After reboot you may enter the sensor using supported browser by the management IP:
Also make sure the station you are connecting from has Java virtual machine installed as the GUI is entirely based on it.

Difference between ebgp-multihop and ttl-security.

Once upon a time reading some CCIE paper at work I asked myself a question : “Why would someone bother to invent ttl-security and even write RFC http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5082 on it when multi-hop EBGP feature provides the same end result ?” .
The results of my busy/doing-nothing activity I present here.
First some background. For some (unknown to me) reasons BGP peering was envisioned as TCP connection between directly connected routers, by default. To proceed with this design (worth checking BGP RFCs if it was actually an obligation) vendors (Cisco,Juniper and even Fortinet) implemented all BGP protocol communication using TTL=1 in TCP packets being exchanged. As the logical consequence of this if a router was placed more than 1 hop away from its peer BGP session could not be established. To provide for such set ups when peers are many hops away the ebgp-multihop term was coined – on configuration level you can specify that BGP peer is that hops far away .
What happens in fact is that when you specify such multi-hop BGP peer the router starts sending BGP packets with TTL being equal to the number of hops you set . That means if I set peer to be 3 hops away and some attacker tries to spoof legit peer’s IP but is 4 hops away – such attack won’t succeed cause my router will receive spoofed BGP packets ok but will send replies with TTL of 3 which will expire just 1 hop away from the attacker.
Questionable , but security . So why ttl security?
This feature indeed enforces that BGP peer is no more than given hops away . And here comes the difference – it enforces it inbound . It works this way – after you enable ttl security on the BGP peer session and specify how many hops away this peer is allowed to be, your router
checks incoming TCP packets from this peer and does this simple calculation ; configured value <= 255 – hops-away-to-peer , if it holds true your router goes on with establishing BGP session , if not – session is shut down. Regarding outgoing TTL values – may be it is Cisco-only thing, may be not , but the moment you enable ttl security for some BGP peer on Cisco the router itself starts sending BGP-related packets to this peer with initial ttl being equal to 255. I guess it is logical that if you enforce on your side ttl security the peering side will want to do the same.

When ttl rule is broken we see in the debug session:
Dec 27 19:08:04.103: %BGP-4-INCORRECT_TTL: Discarded message with TTL 1 from
And neighbor status is:
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 13462 33 63 0 0 0 00:04:31 Idle

#sh ip bgp neighbors
BGP neighbor is, remote AS 13462, external link
BGP version 4, remote router ID
BGP state = Closing

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