Checkpoint - turn netconf.C routes into linux route command

I must confess that I prefer good solutions today over perfect solutions tomorrow. So when the need aroused to do a script that takes netconf.C and transforms all the route statements in it to the general linux form of "route add xxx" I did this one-liner you can see below. The script looks ugly and sketchy but it works.

awk ' (/dest/ || /via/) && ! / '  /etc/sysconfig/netconf.C | sed 's/[():]/ /g' | sed ' s/^.* via/ gw/' | sed ' s/^.*dest / route add -net /' | awk ' {if($0~/\/32/) { gsub(/-net/,"-host "); print}  else print} '| awk ' {if(NR % 2 == 1) {gsub(/$/," "); printf($0)} else print} '

After you run it on the gateway you will get something like that to the stdout:

route add -net  ""   gw
route add -net  ""   gw
route add -net  ""   gw
route add -net  ""   gw

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